its 1 AM...
"Some are blah and some are yum and once I got one out of this can, tin, carton, box...wood."
"(Silence)...I had this clementine once and I squeezed it like this and it got in my eye. (Squeezes it.)"
my friends are AWESOME.
and funny:
PacoFromDelBaco: **touch**
Rx Nitro Paste: ((twitch))
PacoFromDelBaco: i have that effect
Rx Nitro Paste: so is it bad out?
PacoFromDelBaco:yeah the roads suck
PacoFromDelBaco: i like going the speed limit or over on bad roads. its fun
Rx Nitro Paste: haha well...thats smart
PacoFromDelBaco: nah, im a moron. i really just cant bring myself to go like, 25 in a 35. even if it is unsafe
Rx Nitro Paste: lol
PacoFromDelBaco: im a teenager, im INVINCIBLE
PacoFromDelBaco: day theyll make a drivers ed video after me
Rx Nitro Paste: adam the invincible boy
PacoFromDelBaco: "and thats his invincible brain splattered on the pavement!"
Rx Nitro Paste: eh bleh!
my x konstantine: bleh!
Rx Nitro Paste: garf
my x konstantine: NARF
my x konstantine: hehehehehhehehehehe
Rx Nitro Paste: WAHGUE!
my x konstantine: im on...vicodin
(...later on)
my x konstantine: we had...."thai" food for dinner
Rx Nitro Paste: why is the "thai" in quotes?
my x konstantine: hahaha coz its like not real
Rx Nitro Paste: I ran into a pole
FuGaZi72950: oh
FuGaZi72950: thats original
Rx Nitro Paste: whasiase
Chandler Moser: oh cool, thats not a word
*talking about how I said "necklacing" and then when Dan was all up in my face about it I said "whatcha gonna do about it and then he was all:
Redsoxfan2434: umm. im thinking about killing you
Rx Nitro Paste: lol
Rx Nitro Paste: you know you wouldnt do such a horrible thing
Rx Nitro Paste: dannnnnn dan the manly man
Redsoxfan2434: oh but i would
Redsoxfan2434: missusing words makes me very angry
Rx Nitro Paste: well technically you missued a word as well
Rx Nitro Paste: you spelt therefore wrong
Redsoxfan2434: yea i noticed that
Redsoxfan2434: i was hoping you wouldnt
Rx Nitro Paste: lol
Rx Nitro Paste: wellll I did
Redsoxfan2434: well that was a typo
Redsoxfan2434: yours was just a deliberate misuse of a word
Rx Nitro Paste: and note that I purposefully verb-ed (like I just past tense-ed that word [and that one] for dramatical effect)
Rx Nitro Paste: it was so not deliberate it was ON PURPOSE
Redsoxfan2434: same thing
*note convos SLIGHtly edited to fit in journal, mainly because I wanted to say slightly edited.