Sep 01, 2004 19:17

HOKAY SO, Meghan, Aubrey and I mission to the essex fair to watch the motorX thingy. (SO KICKASS AND THE GUYS WERE STEAMY GORGEY HOT HOT HOT) It was so cool they jump really high and yay one did a back flip it was insane to the highest amount of insanity there ever was. Ever.
So about a billion people are in line waiting for them to sign their shits and X parafonailia (gah sp?) and we don't want to wait so we get the ABSOLUTLEY INGENIUS idea to go play in the fair and "cannon-scope" until the crowds die off AND THEN we'd go to the place where they'd have to come out AND THEN we'd have them sign our shirts there! MUAHAHAHHAHA brilliant, I tell you.
Thus the time comes when we think they'll be done with the crowds and will come out. *This is when the fun starts* At aproximatly 9:35 when we had only been waiting for about 5 minutes (notice the impeckable timing), volia, hottie motorX-ers emerge. I, (now being about 9:35:23) walk up and say "HEYYYYYYYYYY....can you sign our shirts? We love youuuuuuu..." And they're all sureee no problem in their lovely voices. We chat for a while and congradulate them on their awesomness and depart. Hmm yummilicious.

SO now being about 9:52, we giggle and gawk at the very cool signed shirts *note, standing near the beer tent thing* WHEN (dun dun dun scary music) a man, looking to be in his 30's, taps me on the shoulder. I gasp, turn around, and inquire this curious man.
"Excuse me I'm with the Essex Police department, what is your name?" He pulls a shiney gold badge attached to a shiney chain with leather backing out of his pocket. It looks like some fakey that they sell at one of the carney booths inside the fairgrounds. Thinking he was some drunk guy trying to hit on me, I look around for his drunken accomplises and relpy to him, rather harshley,
"Keilani. Why?"
"I'm looking for a missing person named Dominica, she looks extremely like you. DO you have any ID on you?" Still thinking its some kind of funny hoax, I bluntly reply,
"Where are you from?"
"Are your parents here?"
"No. I'm with my friends family. My mom is picking me up in 5 minutes."
"All right..." And I dont remember what happened next but he walked away or something. So Aubrey Meghan and I are laughing our heads off, waiting for her dad to come, when the curious supposed drunk inquiorer returns. It is now 9:57.
"Excuse me, I'm going to have to detain you here until I can get a positive ID and ask you a few more questions." Absolutley flabberghasted, I decide this guy is serious.
"OH YEAH, I have ID, heres my social security card....oh and a gym pass to Rackets Edge....uhhhh...." And inside say to myself "STUPID STUPID STUPID WHY HAVEN'T YOU GONE AN GOTTEN YOUR DAMNED PERMIT YET YOU IDIOT AHHH DAMN FUCK SHIT GAHHH BAD BAD BAD!!!" The OFFICER pulls out his little nifty radio.
"Code 4039, please check the name (he said some shit in code I don't know)....All right thanks.
"Where are you from again?"
"You look familiar."
"Well, I am a model...I've done local stuff..."
"Oh, who do you model for?"
"Karin Models which is NY based and Palo Tomei which is Italian...Milan based, I've done local things too, maybe you've seen me there?"
"Well I don't think you're face would be in the Essex Police Department" Nervous laughter from me here at this point. He asked me a lot of other questions and I gave a lot more answers but I don't remember I was too flustered. Finally at about 10:22 his radio comes in:
"PSCHSHHHHHHH (mumble mumble mumble code stuff mumble) All right. Ok well I'm almost positive you're who you say you are, you're all clear. You can go now."
"Ok thanks bye."

AND I run away laughing with Aubrey and Meghan and Aubrey's family who had returned at this point.

SO NO, just to let you all know, I am not some Cuban ileagl alien who cut out her kidney and sold it for a passport. And I'm not a runaway. I'm not a missing person. I AM NOT DOMINICA.

Hope shes ok though, whoever she is.
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