Title: Toys and Games
wordclaim50Fandom; Pairing: Buffyverse; Angelus/Drusilla/Spike
Rating: NC-17/Adult
Prompt: PWP
Warnings: Dark, very dubious consent, kinkiness involving bloodplay (but they're vampires; that's expected).
Notes: This is actually my first ever Buffyverse piece, and Drusilla is pure crack to write. Constructive
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Comments 8
Can I ask -- was it hard to do Spike's voice when you're used to writing House fic? Because I've got an Angel fic in progress and have been having a hell of a time trying to keep House's voice out of Spike's.
Spike wasn't bad, but that's because, in an RP, he's in a relationship with one of my pups. (Nurse Brenda + Spike = win.) Plus, I bought the DVDs mostly because of him, as I have a massive Spike-crush, and have been watching his seasons as much as I can. I actually had a harder time with Angelus than with Spike.
...and have been watching his seasons as much as I can.
Yeah, I figured that'd be the trick. I used to be absolutely crazy about Spike, and I'm trying to get it back to write this story (Angel's not actually in it, so that's not a problem), but it's so hard to cut back on House.
And I think your Angelus voice was just fine.
it's so hard to cut back on House. You mean the earlier seasons, or this one, too? I have an idea for a mildly future-based fic (I'm talking by a few episodes), but I haven't been able to get into this season at all, which makes it harder.
And I think your Angelus voice was just fine. Thank you.
Seriously, this is dead-on. Voices perfect, all of it. Creepy, too, and exactly how that one time happened in my mind.
Gah, seriously. This is perfect.
Great Spike voice. Very funny, without being laugh out loud distracting.
Drusilla's insistence and Angelus's mocking.
The best of them.
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