FIC: "Condoms and Flavored Lube", Greg House/Eric Foreman

Jul 22, 2006 09:31

Title: Condoms and Flavored Lube
Author/Artist: hawkeyecat
Community: 30_lemons
Pairing/Fandom: Claimed: Dr. Greg House and Dr. James Wilson, House, M.D. Actual pairing: Dr. Greg House and Dr. Eric Foreman
Theme: 06. The Closet
Word Count: 485
Disclaimer: I’ve been in this fandom for how long? And I still have no rights. Very sad.
Author's Notes: For Starr and Sigrid ( Read more... )

greg house/eric foreman, house md, eric foreman, 30 lemons, greg house

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Comments 10

sheikah July 22 2006, 18:52:28 UTC

*is dead*


wildcatlizzie July 22 2006, 19:01:25 UTC
Well, this non-slash fan really enjoyed that; good job! :)


vanillafluffy July 22 2006, 23:28:53 UTC
It works. I could see these two behaving this way, quiet and matter-of-fact about their extra-curricular activities. On the same wavelength, but not mushy about it.

"The only one he’d willingly take credit for was marriage two-the infarction one-and that was partly because he’d never liked Sam, anyway."
That made me grin, because yeah, Jimmy can screw up a relationship without House's help, if his fooling around is any indication. And House, post-infarction might have been his excuse for a lot of absenses that House never benefitted from. Where WAS he during "Three Stories", anyway...?


rwryter July 22 2006, 23:31:55 UTC
That's how we play them at the_ppth_portal. Really, the fic is unashamedly based on how we write the relationship over there; I just promised fic to those two.

As to where Wilson was? amazonqueenkate's and my take, The Least Expectation.


vanillafluffy July 22 2006, 23:42:52 UTC
I checked out "The Least Expectation". The disclaimer in particular made me cheer.


mercaque July 23 2006, 11:25:30 UTC
Why is it that House/Foreman always strikes me as such an odd pairing, and then the H/F fics are always so insanely hot? You have a great balance of details, it was "messy" enough to be hot but not squicky. Well done and, may I say it again, very hot :)


siggen1 July 24 2006, 06:17:09 UTC
Oh, lovely... And for me? Wow, thanks! House/Foreman is my guilty pleasure. I thank my lucky star that this is your pairing of choice as well these days *g*

Maybe it wasn’t a torrid affair, since Foreman was slipping under the blankets like he belonged there. At this point, he sort of did

Oh, the matter-of-fact-ly way they behave! Just like in the RP, they seem so completely perfect for eachother. I especially love this piece, how easy House takes the realization that Foreman belongs with him.

And, also, this here?

besides that Wilson was far straighter than any man who could cook and was on divorce three has any right to be.

Made me laugh as a crazy person. My boss-people are looking at me strangely. Which reminds me of my RPF. I should write. But to end it; Thanks for writing this, I love it!


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