Apr 11, 2015 16:06
The false/pre/early labour symptoms tailed off to just the odd back ache etc and a lot of sleepiness. Apparently hadn't achieved much as of Obst visit on Thursday, so I'm booked in to arrive at hospital tomorrow night for induction on Monday.
It's the uncertainty and waiting that has been getting to me. The sort of stress that involves rushing about and doing stuff I can handle, but hurry up and wait does my head in.
Very much looking forward to holding my enormous bublet very soon. In the meantime, the GD is looking like it will disappear as expected. I'm still on half-dose insulin and blood glucose results are trending at the low end.
Currently concentrating on not losing too much more weight, between reduced appetite, not much space and GD diet and testing restrictions I seem to have mislaid 2kg in less than 2 weeks. I know some weight loss at this end is normal, but I haven't actually gained that much and think I might need those energy reserves....
(Currently at 80.3kg, total gain of 11.1kg, 4 of which is estimated to be bublet, and some amount more for bublet life support elements)