Noticed on Saturday that Bub had another tooth showing through. I'd pretty much stopped thinking about it since it had been so long, although I was still checking regularly purely because he loves being held upside-down and when you're holding a baby with a big grin upside-down you get a good view of the upper gums.
I'm pleased to say sleep has improved lately, although still very haphazard.
After the last post we had a run of perfect 2-nap days, but then on the Sunday when we had social stuff planned suddenly Bub refused to nap. It's not even like I was doing anything different in the morning to tip him off.
Eventually got a very short nap in, but hopes that he would go to bed early and leave us to play games were not realised. When he did eventually sleep in the evening, he decided that was actually his second nap and refused to go back to sleep the first cycle. This set us up for a few days of apparent day-night confusion.
We're now mostly back on 2 naps, mostly only 1 waking during the night. I hope I haven't jinxed myself by saying that.
Bathroom scales say he is now 9kg. I'm sure his limbs have gotten longer, there seems to be a lot more of him unfolding when I pull him to standing now. Most of the 00's are now retired except the particularly roomy t-shirts and some pants for when he's in disposables. (The 0 pants mostly still fall down unless he's in cloth nappies).
He's very keen on his walker now, but hasn't yet quite mastered the art of turning it. When he hits an obstacle but wants to keep going he usually jiggles it and makes frustrated noises until I arrive.
He's pretty much got the xylophone worked out, although coordination remains an issue. When anyone plays it Abby meows - we're not sure if she's complaining or joining in. David reports that one evening Bub was clearly hitting notes specifically to make Abby meow.
Just after the last post I got his car seat turned around. The next few trips he sat there with a rather stunned, or possibly appalled, expression. On the most recent trip he apparently got used to it and happily chewed his teething ring and chatted to us instead.
On the food front, he has now tried peanut butter. Pleased to report no allergy reaction, and he is very much in favour of peanut butter on both toast and pancakes. (We had pancakes for lunch a couple of weeks back, I made one for Bub and he managed to eat most of it, I'm amazed at how much he can eat sometimes).
Baby signing seems to have fallen by the wayside. Now, if he wants his nappy changed he crawls over and tries to climb up my leg. This is a little confusing because it might also mean he just wants to be picked up. If he wants more food he bangs on the highchair tray, although again that may just mean he's annoyed because I won't give him the bowl to turn upside down.
Sometimes he puts a peg back into the peg basket. More often, he tries to sit them (or whatever else he's playing with) in my cleavage.
I've been trying to convince Bub that the cats aren't playthings, but frankly, they're not helping.