
Another Plummie Rant

Apr 21, 2005 02:44


Current Mood: Tired and Cranky. Pharmacy sucks!

Current Food: Caffeine, baby! WOOT!

Quote of the Day:
Coworker: People are SO nasty and mean sometimes!
Me: You know what's wrong with people today? They don't believe in gypsy curses. I mean, I just waved my hands in the air and said in a real spooky voice "You shall suffer the wrath of my angered ancestors! Doom! DOOM!" Nothing. Nada. Zilch.

Aw. Another Plummie rant. I figured I'm especially qualified to vent on this subject, since I work in a pharmacy. Okay, so, I've only been there for a couple of weeks, but I think that's enough experience, don't you? ^_^

There's a new disturbing trend sweeping the nation, thanks to the ever-so-wonderful Religious Right. Which is, as some of you may have already heard, legislation protecting the 'religious beliefs' of pharamacists.

What's the big deal, some of you may ask. Don't you think someone's religion should be protected? Of course I do. I don't think anyone's religion should be discriminated against. I may mock the fuck out of it, but at least I think they should be protected, as long as no one's civil rights are violated and no one is put into direct danger by purchasing Nike sneakers and quaffing tainted Kool-Aid.

However, a line has been clearly crossed by the Religious Right in this new travesty. Pharmacists in some states are now allowed to refuse to dispense birth control based on the fact that they believe it to be morally wrong since it kills babies.

So, let me break this down for you.

A doctor writes you a prescription. You mosey on down to the nearest drug store, only to find out that the pharamacist will refuse to fill the medication a doctor has prescribed to you because he basically thinks you're a dirty baby-killing whore. They may not call you a baby-killing whore to your face, but I believe we can agree that it's heavily implied just because they refuse to dispense your birth control.

Again, you may ask, what's the big deal? You can always go to another drug store. But what happens if THAT pharmacist also refuses to dispense your birth control? Or if that's the only drug store in your town? What then? Okay, you can use condoms, but why should you have to do that if a DOCTOR gave you a prescription for birth control pills, for Godsakes? Or what if you aren't recieving birth control pills for birth control but for hormone regulation, like my mother? Why is some dumb-fuck backwards-pharmacist allowed to dictate what your contraception options shall be? That's YOUR choice, not HIS!

What the big deal is that some schmuck in a fucking lab coat sits there on his moral high horse and refuses to do the job he was hired to do: dispense medications. I don't care if a pharmacists attends six-years of school to become one. Your job is simple: Make sure people get the medications they were prescribed. You don't get to decide who gets to take what and when. That's the doctors job. You dispense medications. It doesn't matter who is taking it or why they are taking it, it is your JOB TO FILL LEGITIMATE PRESCRIBTIONS, JACK-ASS!

Let's look at it this way:

You have a job at McDonald's. One day, you decide that you don't want to sell hamburgers anymore because you became a vegan. You belief the slaughter of animals for sustance is wrong. Do you really think McDonald's is going to put up with that for more than a couple hours? Guarenteed, you'd be told to finish out your shift and never come back. Or, if you want to cite religious reasons, you become Hindu and you believe eating the meat of cow is wrong and refuse to perform the job for which you were hired, religious reasons or not, do you think you'd still have a job by the end of the day? No. Fucking. Way. It's not religious discrimination if you no longer can perform the job you were hired to do.

So, how come pharmacists can get away with shit like that? How can they refuse to dispense medications that a doctor has prescribed for you?

Because, the Religious Right says, it's religious discrimination to force them to fill the prescription.

Oh, I'm sorry. I'm so very sorry. I forgot. Christianity is the most oppressed religion out there. Sorry, Jews. You tried REAL hard with the Holocaust and all, but can't you see? Christians just can't catch a break here.

Let's just forget the fact that the Religious right is fighting discrimination with discrimination. It's all right to fight religious discrimination by discriminating against women.

Puh-leeze, people, let's use logic. If Martin Luther King Jr. had used this sort of logic, he would have suggested that instead of whites discriminating against African Americans, Whites and African-Americans should discriminate against Asians instead. Luckily, unlike some of State legislators, MLK Jr. wasn't an escaped retarded dirt-weasel..

The funny thing is, the Religious Right is just covering their own asses to put forward their own agenda: it's not about religion. It's about limiting the control a woman has over her own body. They believe all life is sacrosanct, and since woman is the only one who can give life, her rights should be more fucked than a well-lubricated Tracy Lords after a twenty-guy gang-bang. Forget the fact that birth control is perfectly legal; this is their way of dodging the law that says women have the right to decide what to do with their own friggin-bodies. Let's even forget the fact that a woman on birth control pills is less likely to get pregnant and have an ACTUAL abortion then a woman who ISN'T taking birth control pills or using any other form of contraception other than condoms, which can break or leak.

In fact, let's forget logic all-fucking-together. It's not even about logic. It's about the Religious Right edging evverrrrr so slowly over that frail line that protects a woman's rights. They want to see how far they can go before we'll try to make them stop. Unfortunately, too many people are apathetic about the issue. Why does a few pharmacists refusing to give out birth control matter all that much? Because, with every small victory the Religious Right wins, they're all the more closer to crossing that line completely and tearing down Roe VS Wade before we have a chance to protest. Before you know it, we'll be back to back-alley abortions and watching our lives circle the drains because we couldn't take one fucking little pill...that would've made all the difference in the world.

Oh, and one last thing:

If this were really about morality and religion, pharamcists wouldn't just refuse to give out birth control. They would refuse to give out Viagra as well, since the drug is clearly intended for sexual purposes and for fornication. However, you have yet to hear ONE complaint about a pharmacist refusing to dispense Viagra.

Who cares if a woman gets saddled with a kid as long as you can get it up for the altar boy, right?

People make me fucking sick sometimes.
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