Mar 12, 2005 02:29
Current Mood: Tired and Pissy
Current Food: Cherry coke and Smoothie Flavored Skittles (Eh…they could be better.)
Quote of the Day: (Conversation between one of my managers and I)
Me: How come every time I flash my completely fake customer-service smile at old men, they think I’m friggin’ hitting on them?
Manager: Well, they’re like flowers, and you’re the rain. When you smile at them, they bloom.
Me: Wow. Seriously, man…that’s like…the gayest analogy I’ve ever heard.
Manager: Yeah. Pretend I didn’t say that :pretends to scratch balls: Okay. I’m manly again.
By the way, not only are some of my customers incredibly fucking stupid, but they’re vindictive little pricks too.
Apparently, working at the Subway sharing the same shopping center as the liquor store I’m working at, are two kids I refused a liquor sale too. Why, I’m not sure. They probably came in together and one of them didn’t have ID when I carded them. That’s most of my sale-refusals right there.
Anyway, earlier today, one of my coworkers, a short blonde girl (I’m semi-tall with red hair) who I look nothing like, went into the Subway. The two kids I refused a sale to tried to tell her that they wouldn’t give her service because they thought she was the one who had told them their dumb asses that they couldn’t buy liquor.
So, yeah, let’s break down the non-logic of their position.
I didn’t sell them liquor because at least one of them didn’t have an ID or one of them was underage. If I had sold to them and they were underage, I’d be liable. If they got caught with the liquor and they found out that I sold it to them, I would lose my job, possibly be fined $5000 AND I could go to jail.
Basically, I did my fucking job. Which mostly means whatever I friggin’ do, don’t EVER sell liquor to a minor or even sell liquor if I even have the teeniest suspicion that the liquor could end up in a minor’s hands. It doesn’t matter if one of the kids had ID. If it turns out the other one was underage and they go back over the video footage and see me selling the liquor with him standing there, I’m LIABLE!
For them, this means they’re justified in denying me a frigging sandwich. Basically, being penalized by their not doing their job for doing mine. Yeah. Great logic there, kiddies. Let’s punish everyone who does their job.
So, right now, I have a couple options.
A.) Call up their manager and complain on behalf of my coworker.
B.) Go into the store myself, get refused a sale, get their names, the name of their managers, including General Manager and the owner, AND the number of Subway Corporate.
C.) Ignore it. I hate Subway anyway. Publix has better hoagies.
You know, I wonder if they’ll see the humor in all of this. If they called my Corporate and complained about my refusing them a sale, Corporate would just tell them, ’Oh, too bad, so sad. No ID, no booze, retard. You don’t need alcohol anyway. You don’t want to kill whatever few precious brain cells you have left.’ I’m sure if I call their corporate, if they aren’t fired, at the very least, they’re going to get into a lot of shit for refusing my sale. Especially if I tell them how they tried to refuse the sale to my coworker, especially in light of how many of my coworkers actually buy their dinners there.
I know I probably should let it go, I never go there anyway…but there’s soooo few chances when you can legitimately exact revenge on bastard customers. Aww…choices, choices, choices.