Well fortunately the education system here in Australia is a tad different to yours. Abstinance only and religious reasons for not having sex are NOT taught to our kids... just the basic facts of life including methods of birth control and the very real consequences to having unprotected sex.
Having gone to a catholic school myself (no I am not catholic) you would think that the Sex-Ed WE had would be dramatically dif to what my kids recieve in the State system... it was... in that we had some very intersting open debates in class as to the pro's and con's of premartitial sex, amongst other matters... what can I say... we must have had some pretty forward thinking nuns!
Telling anyone... particualarly a teenager that they MUST NOT do something is like a red rag to a bull as far as I am concerned. Far better to treat them as intellegent human beings who have been (hopefully) brought up to make informed decisions and know that they must accept the consequences of their own acdtions... and HOPE that you have done a good enough job of rearing them that they will make sensible choices (and I am not refering merely to sexual matters here)
My children are and have been since very early teens allowed a glass of wine with dinner when we are having one... allowed spirits in moderation when we are having them... alcohol s NOT the big taboo for them that it is for a lot of their friends and as such they do not feel the need to sneek it or binge drink like a lot of their friends do.
So essentially the point I am making in my round about manner is that I agree with you completely. People are much more likely to make a sensible choice when it is an informed decision rather than when they have been told YOU ARE FORBIDDEN and given no understanding of any logical (and Non-theological) reasons why.
Having gone to a catholic school myself (no I am not catholic) you would think that the Sex-Ed WE had would be dramatically dif to what my kids recieve in the State system... it was... in that we had some very intersting open debates in class as to the pro's and con's of premartitial sex, amongst other matters... what can I say... we must have had some pretty forward thinking nuns!
Telling anyone... particualarly a teenager that they MUST NOT do something is like a red rag to a bull as far as I am concerned. Far better to treat them as intellegent human beings who have been (hopefully) brought up to make informed decisions and know that they must accept the consequences of their own acdtions... and HOPE that you have done a good enough job of rearing them that they will make sensible choices (and I am not refering merely to sexual matters here)
My children are and have been since very early teens allowed a glass of wine with dinner when we are having one... allowed spirits in moderation when we are having them... alcohol s NOT the big taboo for them that it is for a lot of their friends and as such they do not feel the need to sneek it or binge drink like a lot of their friends do.
So essentially the point I am making in my round about manner is that I agree with you completely. People are much more likely to make a sensible choice when it is an informed decision rather than when they have been told YOU ARE FORBIDDEN and given no understanding of any logical (and Non-theological) reasons why.
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