Round 3, Challenge 2: Prompt

Apr 04, 2010 22:34

The Challenge:


In a U turn from last week, this week's prompt is 'friendship'. There is one condition as well as the prompt, this week and that is that the drabble be written during Ron and Hermione's time at Hogwarts. You have six years of missing moments to pick from!

Prompt: Friendship | Word Count: 100 - 500 | Other Conditions: Must be set during their time at school

brumeux77, charma_10, daisy_button,
ktmarsh, lauryne78, maybe1ce, miss_daizy,
nundu_art, natertatersmom, pili204, rhweasley4evah,
scribhneoir1, shocolate, the_birdnest, willow_wand

The Rules:
• Drabbles should be between 100 and 500 words long
• Drabbles should be rated anything up to R. Please no NC-17 ratings
• Please submit your drabbles as a comment to this post, using the code below.
• Closing date for submissions is 23:59 Thursday 8th April 2010 (GMT London)

• Please use the following coding when submitting your drabble: