slave labor alive and well

Oct 29, 2007 13:03

I'd like to commend GAP for acting so swiftly. But what will happen to the children working? They were purchased from their parents, evidently - so since they're revealed on camera, are their owners going to bring retribution and reprisals on their heads?
She said the garments allegedly produced by the children represented a small portion of a single order placed with the vendor and that the clothes would not be sold in stores.

"We strictly prohibit the use of child labor," Hansen said in a statement. "Gap has a history of addressing challenges like this head-on, and our approach to this situation will be no exception.

"In 2006, Gap Inc. ceased business with 23 factories due to code violations. We have 90 people located around the world whose job is to ensure compliance with our Code of Vendor Conduct."
Britain's Observer newspaper on Sunday reported that it had found children making clothes with Gap labels in a squalid factory in New Delhi. It quoted the children as saying they were from poor parts of India and had been sold to the sweatshop by their impoverished families. Some said they were not paid for their work.

Gap responded quickly, saying the factory was being run by a subcontractor who was hired in violation of Gap's policies, and none of the products made there will be sold in its stores.

"We appreciate that the media identified this subcontractor, and we acted swiftly in this situation," Gap spokesman Bill Chandler told The Associated Press on Sunday. "Under no circumstances is it acceptable for children to produce or work on garments."
"As soon as we were alerted to this situation, we stopped the work order and prevented the product from being sold in stores. While violations of our strict prohibition on child labour in factories that produce product for the company are extremely rare, we have called an urgent meeting with our suppliers in the region to reinforce our policies.

"Gap Inc. has one of the industry's most comprehensive programmes in place to fight for workers' rights overseas. We will continue to work with the government, NGOs, trade unions, and other stakeholder organisations in an effort to end the use of child labour," the statement said.
Clothing made at the New Delhi sweatshop for the company's GapKids division had been destined for export for Christmas sales at retail locations in the U.S. and Europe, Gap spokesman Bill Chandler was quoted as saying in a report Sunday by the Associated Press.

"We appreciate that the media identified this subcontractor, and we acted swiftly in this situation," Chandler said, according to the AP.

In its report, the Observer detailed youngsters who told reporters they had been sold to factory bosses by their families, and were not allowed to leave until they had repaid that fee.

So what's going to happen to the children?

slavery, economics, labor, union, child labor, children

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