Jul 11, 2005 01:18
I have a knack of coming in contact with such amazing people. I surround myself with worth while people. So if you are my friend, you mean something. Just remember that.
I love endorphins. So I went for a walk/run around the big block twice. . that's like 2 miles, crazy huh and I have to say, listening to that "All I Want for Christmas" song from Love Actually running up a hill is the most amazing feeling in the world. I swear, I had this huge goofy grin on my face and I was dancing when I got to the top and I cartwheels. Endorphins are nice. I've got to keep on doing this. Of course, when I got back to the house, my step mom had a fit because I had headphones on and that's very unsafe in the middle of the night because someone could jump out from nowhere and whack me on the head. I know this is true but I live in a gated community and there are always a million walkers out in my neighborhood every night from around 8 to 10. It's all good. She was mad too because I didn't carry my cell phone with me either which I find to be ridiculous because last time I went for a walk/run I carried my burts bees, cell phone, and ipod and it just didn't work. So this time, I put the burts bees in my sock and only carried my ipod because I rather listen to music than have a cellular device clogging my style. And also, music motivates me in ways no one could imagine. Well, I'm sure you could, but still! I just laughed my stepmom off. I'll be keeping the ipod. . .I guess I should just find a way to carry the cellular device even though it's extremely funny looking to a passerby. I might as well carry around my Dasani and laptop as well. . .even speakers for my ipod. Maybe a grill to cook steaks too and an ice chest full of liquor.
Shit son, endorphins rock. I wish there was a endorphins sale. . I'd buy it all. Whoo-hoo! When I got back from my run, I realized that I gained a pound back and I didn't even care because I was feeling so good. I just know that it's either muscle gained back or. . . extra padding in my sock or something. Ha! I'm feeling so good.