Jul 08, 2005 22:23
My mouth is alright. It hurt a whole lot. I laid around for the first two days but today, I got out and about in town. It was nice. But because I laid around all week and ate nothing but milkshakes, all of the milkshake when straight to my ass. . .where I gained like 7/9 pounds depending on what scale I stand on. So in efforts to get back down to my regularly embarrassing body size before I go to Florida next Saturday, I have started a diet and exercise plan. And I'm happy to say that with me not eating and me running around the block twice which is actually 2 miles (big block!), I have lost about three pounds. I have a week to go and maybe, who knows, I could even get below my normal size which was my intention all along this whole summer. Yay.
Enough about that stuff, my new guilty pleasures are Desperate Housewives and LOST. They are such good shows. I've been downloading the episodes like crazy. Of course, it takes forever to download (about half a day to 3/4ths a day). I love these new shows in my life. I'm definitely going to have to buy the DVD boxsets once they come out. Yay.
Well, I don't know what else to say. My mouth is sore and my body is too. Tomorrow, I'm hitting the pool and start working on a tan so I don't look like a ghost in Florida either.
Oh yeah, just to remind everyone. . . HARRY POTTER AND THE HALF-BLOOD PRINCE comes out next SATURDAY. But if you are a fanatic like me, you will be staying at the bookstore til Midnight so you can catch it at exactly midnight:01. Yup. I'm that cool.