(no subject)

Mar 16, 2007 22:28

so uh, I don't even know where to start. but all I can say is that this will be a rant... I guess. 
I get so annoyed/bothered by people. 
I hate money, and the fact that I have zero of it. zerrro. 
I hate owing people money. 
I hate it when people forget.
People always assume things. that quote, "if you assume, you make an ASS out of U and ME" should be a national quote or somethin. 
goshhh I really hate wasting or spending money. seriously. I could honestly say thats a pet peeve of mine. 
I'm so cheap and frugal. Theres pros and cons to that. 
I need space badly when people get on my nerves...but I just need one, just one, person to talk to. Mitchell is the only person keeping me calm tonight. 
I hate sister ordeals. I hate that people think I'm some mean sister. But its literally my older sibling instict to want whats best for my brothers and sisters and to protect them. I can't help it...I care a lot about my family. ughhhh with track... I just want Ruey to succeed, for herself. Something for her to take pride in. but when shes not motivated, it bothers me. or she just doesn't try enough. and she lets so many damn people manipulate her decisions. and then I get frustrated at her...and peopple are like WHATA BITCH. shutup seriously.
I hate when people brag. and when they complain. but we all do it, right? I guess its only natural. but some people take it to the extreme. 
I'm thinking about so much...I could fill this lil journal with thoughts. but I won't.
GOSH people are so strange. no one is real anymore. 
I hate quitters. 
don't be selfish. please.
track will be tough this year. after 2 days, I couldn't walk without limping because of soreness. and I had trouble going up and downstairs. but I'm willing to sacrifice anything for that 5:15. 
idkkkkkkk, i'm tired. 
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