Aug 11, 2007 02:27
You are dead to me. I will never again talk to you, look at you or have any form of contact with you.
"That child" of yours in NO longer your obligation. So go be happy. Go raise the 3 kids ur new little whore has.
MY child will never again see his father and I will make sure of it.
You're a disgusting human being and I do wish you would get help bc you are gonna die a lonely miserable man.
How many girls do you plan on getting pregnant?
Funny how they all have miscarriages. God doesn't want you to have children. The one blessing you created you have shitted on,so take god's sign and use a fucking condom.
Your mother is looking down on you. What the fuck kind of example are you letting her see? I know she didn't raise you to be the selfish,two-faced bastard that you are.
Go be a pedophile some more with your "fiancee" I hear you wanted to see her this weekend. You can use our bed to commit adultry in, you already did it in the backseat of my car.
Think ahead 20 years, where the fuck are you?
Probably one sad little motherfucker who missed out on the best oppurtunity of his life.
MY son will grow up without his REAL father,and im ok with that. You are the EXACT opposite of what i want that little boy to be. You are worthless to him. You are worse then your dad,bc at least ur dad had the good sense to realize he was shit and stayed away.
I hope you crash real soon and real hard.
I hope you cry every single nite about what you gave up.
But i know you wont.
And i'm gonna move on and teach my child to be a MAN,something his father could never be.