Hi, Life. How are you. I am fine. Thanks.
I am not in a wonderful mood. Thank God, my moms surgery went well. I'm going to go visit tomorrow. Last night, I had a nervous breakdown, and that wasn't okay. I spent the day with Nick. Or Nicky D. Or DeLiebero. Whatever you want to call him. My date with Peter though was wonderfulll. I didn't get a kiss but hey, he's...Peter.
The main reason I'm mad right now, I can't say for fear of I don't know who has this link and I wouldnt like them to read it. I just don't like to be led on and blown off, that's all. I think people don't understand what they do. Anyway, before I overdramatize that....
I'm in a very ... not okay mood and I need to express it. Bear with me. I feel frustrated mainly, and annoyed. and disappointed. It's completely stupid though, which bothers me. Whatever. Getting off that topic.
I'd appreciate it if you all visited my photobucket, which I'm going to betch about until you all do it.
http://s170.photobucket.com/albums/u250/xOverxThexMoonx/ I suck at cheering people up. So when people try to cheer me up, I don't act betchy. I hate that. So I'm going to rant about that now. If someone is trying to help you, it's totally unneccesary to betch them off. For ejemplo. Your friend is upset because they ate a piece of cake and will never get it back. You don't think their problem is stupid, because if they ate that cake, you would cry too. So you try comforting them and you say, "I'm sorry. If there's anything I can do let me know." and they reply back with, "EFF YEW BETCH UR NOT SORRY ND I H8 WHEN PPL SAY THAT ND U KANT DO ANYTHING". What are you supposed to say? Honestly. I suck at helping, but at least i'm triyng. Whtever, i'm in a foul mood.
Tylenol is a liar. My tooth still kills and my shoulder hurts. EFF DAT.
It's my journal, I can do whatever I want, so lick a dog if you don't like it. I can even post a random picture of a flamingo.