Tis the Season...

Dec 12, 2006 20:24

Warning: Due to fever, I am extremely delerious and insane. Also, this will be very boring. If I were you, I'd skim it to the pictures, then refer back to the paragraphs.

Tis the season to go die in a hole. Don't get me wrong, I love Christmas. [WOW THIS SOUNDS A LOT LIKE MY OTHER ENTRY. Repetitive idiot.]

I love hanging with Erica and Nicholas on Christmas Eve, pretending to feel the feeling of family which doesn't really exist except for in the story books. Actually, I lied. There's something about your family's screaming and hatred that makes it feel like family. I love sitting on the couch near the tree and guessing which gifts are for us. I love faking a smile when I get a "GG" (Grandma Gift) and I love grinning like a frickin lunatic when I get the gift I've been waiting for. I love eating my grandma's infamous jello. I love how my cousin John falls asleep on the couch all the time so the rest of us can't sit. I love how it's always so hot in my grandma's house. I love how my crazy uncle calls and we all have Caller ID soely because of him so no one answers. You all have one in your family. Feel free to laugh. I am. I love the way the house looks, all decorated. I love decorating the small tree with my cousins, even though Erica is getting cut off this year. I love capturing it all on film to watch 10 years later. I love wishing I was home, online, but then realizing I'm a loser and no one else would be on. I love to hate. Masochism, really. It's kind of odd. I love Christmas trees, and how they look and how they smell and how they create a mood in you. I guess you can say I love Christmas Eve.

Christmas morning is one of the best days of the year, I think. I love waking up to the smell of ... whatever, probably coffee, and then running to the living room to be dissappointed the coffee is from my neighbor and my parents are still asleep. I love screaming like a maniac and making them wake up so I can get my damn presents. I love, love, love ripping open the nicely done paper even though I pretend to do it slowly, like I don't care. Call me greedy, I don't care. I frickin love presents. I love sitting beneath my tree that looks like it's going to fall because my fat lard cat is on the bottom branch. I love the noise he makes when the tree hits him, and the way the ornaments fall off and my parents curse. I love finally getting what I've been waiting for, and opening everything and looking at it like it's a frickin pirate treasure or whatever. I love thanking my parents and then running into my room to do whatever I want with whatever I got. I love how next week is the neighbor breakfast at my house, where I spend quality time with poor people like myself. I really, really love having brand new things and using them for the first time. Call me childish because I hate that word, but you do it too. Grinch. Another word I hate.

I used to love going to my grandma Nina's. I used to love how everyone was loud and screaming and it sounded like we each had a microphone attatched. I love how the TV randomly shouts "HALLELUJAH!" louder than God himself. I love how my grandma used to cook with my dad and my aunt and we'd be forced to eat it. I used to love bringing my gifts over and playing with them. I used to love it less than Christmas Eve, because the anticipation is over, but the feeling is still there. I loved how small and crowded it was, with that plastic covering on the table. I love the soda on the floor, because that still happens, Uncle Robert. Everyone has an Uncle Robert. Everyone has a crazy uncle, too. I used to love Christmas day at my grandma Nina's.

Two years ago, we decided it was too much for my grandma. We "went" to Michelles. Actually, the car ride was dangerous and cursing the whole way. It was really a white Christmas, no Hot Chocolate insults meant, you could say. We got to Michelle and Jasons, my dad went to the bathroom, I got a Harry Potter Computer game tht i eventually broke in half because i got really frustrated with a few months later thrown at me, and we left. Seriously. I don't know if we spent 20 minutes there. Good Christmas, I'll say! Happy birthday, Jesus! (-Roger Davis)

Last year, normal Christmas. Boring Christmas. I much perfer Christmas Eve, though I did get THESE pictures out of it:

That's my uncle Robert. Everyone has an uncle Robert. That's my cousin Allison. I used to think she was adopted, because she had black hair. I don't know why either.

My aunt Laura was in Brokeback Mountain.

They now live in Florida. My mom got them that snowglobe. She talks now. and has a brother.

Because everyone loves fat people. Or animals, rather.

I stayed home from school, which has driven me insane. I read, I drank like 10 gallons of green tea and pills, and I tried to sleep but I couldnt. I had a fever, my thraot hurt, and now my head hurts. Throbbing. Thropp. Elphaba. Ha. I'll stop. But I HATE staying home. I need to go into school tomorrow...I better....feel better. And thanks to everyone who told me to. I love you all.


Holiday shopping? Ya kay no. No idea what to get my parents and friends. The only one I bought for is Kerri, my imaginary friend since i was 7. I'll probably get my dad a mug which i'll end up using. or a wallet. or a shirt. i dont know what to get my mom besides perfume. and for my friends. well. i cant talk about that here. i would be so great at holiday shopping if i had a list of exactly what to get. ugh. life. why. I F**KING HATE TAKING PILLS. I CANT DO IT. MUTHAFUKA. I GET SO MAD. SERIOUSLY LAKIBFIABGFIANGIANIFADKLANAFK LIFEEE.

I made myself a photoshop wallpaper. It's crap.

Thanks, Life. I owe ya one...
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