i hate being sick!

Feb 16, 2005 22:37

the past 2 1/2 days i have been sick with the flu, and man am i miserable. I had to call in to work on Tuesday (my first day) because there was no way i would be able to function. Im so bored and have been laying around all day but when i try to do something i feel nasueas and dizzy and end up running to the bathroom. I have work tomorrow at 3.. but today i felt even worse then i did on tuesday. Hopefully i will be up to working tomorrow because i feel like im giving a bad first impression. My boss said he understood completley since there is a really bad bug going around and he also had it last week and not too rush it, so he feels my pain. There are alot of people that are sick right now so everyone take your vitamins and drink orange juice because trust me YOU DONT WANT WHAT IS GOING AROUND.

On another note, Jay bought his truck... its a white f250 extended cab with a lift and big tires and blah blah. Basically it sucks up gas and he said he went 150 miles on half a tank which takes about 70 to fill up. SUCKS for him. but whatever its his money. Hes also leaving on a decal on the back that says Got Jenna? like got milk except its the porn star. Yeah needless to say hes gotten bitched out plenty and im not too happy about him leaving it there. Hes also calling it the cooter catcher, which makes me even more mad. Whatever im over it.

P.S. I love Miss Stephanie Dirks she awesome and i miss her!
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