Dec 18, 2004 14:25
ok well another saturday another show another main event.. haha
first of the year is almost here. whats your resolution(s)? i have mine.
the clap drive will dominate in 05... even though none of the other members have an lj.
i've been watching lots of ROH matches lately. wow is all i can say
bbitwww we are in the clear
notice i dont have much to say but i havent updated in a long time.
cant wait for 6 months from now.. why you ask? you'll see when we get there
found an amazing deal so if anyone would like to buy my car i'll sell it to you cheap...
everyone go to (i think thats right) and vote for the POOOOOOOOUNCE as the best finisher in tna.
ok well its time to shower and get to the PAC. see you all later. kbye