Jun 05, 2004 16:07
Hey nothing much has happened i took my SATS today it was ok it wasnt that hard. It was pretty easy the only part that was hard was the math part where u had to write your own answers. The Vocabulary one was like comman sense so it would be pretty hard to do bad in. And i hope i did really good because i want to get in to a good college so i can have a good job. And you know how the rest goes lol. I want to get in to a top college that i will like and will not be so hard. And if i havr to leave the state i might. It depends if i get a scholarship. I dont know what i plan to do when i get older one this guy came and he lectured my class and he said in the whole U.S. between 64 to 85 percent of people in the coutry hate there job.