A School Entry

Apr 12, 2005 14:02

Today was an ok day, I sent in my transcript to St Johns, so i am now waiting to hear from then. In Environmental Science class we got back our project, and kera and I did not like our grade at was all we worked really hard and we did our best. And the teacher was saying something about the pictures and at the bottom when it showed the webadress. But it didnt make much sense to have a big thing about that because we did our work on AOL so of course the address is gonna be there. Kera even said the way how i had typed the project looked like a copy and paste thing but i am gonna see if my grade can go up. Oh BTW the grade was a 75 not reasonable at all.

Also this morning the teacher was on the announcement and he said some weird poem to everyone about Pizza. and giving a pizza and chance and then there was a long pause then he continued with fish and chicken and then back to pizza. I wanted to know exactly wat was going on. The weirdest announcment in school was last year when they had the pledge. One of the teacher always says it but that day the principle said it and she skipped a couple lines, she was like a I pleadge alegiance, one nation under god with liberty for all. Everyone was laughing.

I feel so lazy right now i am about to go sleep i might as well. so thats all for now. Wow this entry was mostly about school lol.
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