
Jan 29, 2014 13:01

Just wanted to check back in. Still here, still fumbling my way through life and you know, not knowing what I'll do next. Spend most my time at work and sleeping and playing Assassin's Creed when I have the spare time. Haven't had the time or the computer to write anything since my parent have kind of hijacked mine since their trusty dinosaur died a few months ago. *waits patiently for income tax to come in to get a new laptop*.

I check in with tumblr to view fandom stuff nowadays, I've only recently browsed through my fiends page on LJ to check in with fandom life here. I miss it terribly and wish I was back in the habit of stalking people/communities on here. It was so much fun. I can't believe how much time as passed since I posted fics in the fandoms.

I'm sure you've heard of the winter storm that just passed through the south east. Well I'm here in Mobile, AL and everything is fucking frozen. No snow, no wintery awesomeness, just ice and icy things everywhere. Ew. I don't go back to work until 1pm tomorrow after everything has had a chance to thaw. Seriously, the city is shutdown, all roads are pretty much closed, bridges closed, life is at a standstill until the sun comes back out. We are not prepared to deal with this stuff. And it will be back into the 70's by this weekend with rain.

If you still have me friended, thank you for not giving up on me. I'm making an effort to reconnect with my beloved journal and old fandom friends. Thanks!
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