Title: None So Brightly
ruyuWord count: 100
Prompt: New Direction
Pairings/characters: John, Sherlock
Rating: PG
Warnings/genres: None
Summary/Author's notes: Pre-John. That’s what Sherlock’s calling it now; the time before that which is John.
Pre-John. That’s what Sherlock’s calling it now; the time before that which is John.
In his mental picture of his personal timeline, there are moments that stand out to him, but none so brightly as when John arrived in his life. His life before was chaotic, dizzying and horribly lonely and he really had no semblance of self-preservation (besides what Mycroft forced upon him.)
But then there was John with all his flaws, idiosyncrasies and morals. Now Sherlock can safely say that he is never bored, never wandering with John leading their lives in a whole new direction.
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