Dec 13, 2009 17:09

I painted something for our home deco! It's nothing amazing, but here:

Hassan and I had been looking for something to hang on an empty wall for a while now. This painting is the kind of stuff we where looking for: nature inspired & simple, but we've been reluctant to buy because 60$ for a made-in-china reproduction of a 2-tone painting seemed like too much... I had been saying that this kind of painting was easy to make, that I could very well paint one myself. So voilà!

It doesn't look like much on this photograph, it doesn't do it justice (if I may say so myself), but it really looks perfect for for home! Painting was harder than I remembered... I really had to slow down and pay attention to detail and... just relax a lot. I was in such a hurry when I started! I didn't manage to -quite- follow my plan, so some parts look awkward, but hey *shrugs* imperfections are what's making it unique...? XP

The funniest part about this painting is that Hassan didn't believe that I had made it XD You see, he was working until late that night, so I finished the painting, left it somewhere I was sure he wouldn't miss it and went to bed. When we woke up the next day, I was like "so, what do you think?" and he was like "That's very nice, much nicer than any we've seen thus far, but how much did you pay for this? 60$? That's way too expensive! But hey, it's your money..." "What are you talking about: I MADE IT." And his jaw dropped LMAO! I thought it was obvious that it was an amateur's work, but I guess not. Yay <3 And I know for sure he likes it! Double win!

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