Nov 30, 2021 00:27
Almost December. Time does fly... and apparently only in one direction.
There are a few folks at the motorcycle/social club that I'm at that are leaving. Recently we had a spate of people leaving for interclub politics reasons (people having issues with one another), people leaving because of of who dates who, and people leaving because of family reasons needing them in another state, or whatever.
Overall, it just means I'm losing people I like to hang around with. I tend to think of this as a continual theme of my life. Not that I didn't do it too - I moved northwards because my family was too suffocating, and now I find myself without any family.
Well, whatever. I think its mostly Covid keeping my social life non-existant that makes me feel detached and alone from everyone, and I hope that once we get back to work in February or whatever that sociability will return. We'll see I suppose.
Anyway, wanted to give a little update. There's other cool stuff - got a steam oven and am baking bread, for instance... its always nice to have a new toy or two.