Mar 20, 2021 15:31
I received the first dose of the Moderna vaccine. 12 hours later the only effect was arm soreness, maybe some tiredness.
When I woke up today at 8am I felt pretty bad. Stuffy nose, no energy, a little cold. I went in and out of sleep for a while, eventually I got up and drank a lot of water. I felt better about an hour later.
Now about 4-5 hours later I feel decent. A little 'wobbly' but not too bad. Still a little stuffy.
For St. Patrick's day I put a Corned Beef roast on the smoker and cooked it for about 8 hours. (!). Normally I don't like corned beef much, but wanted to celebrate the holiday. It came out wonderfully. The pellet smoker is so easy and produces such good results its transformative at times, although I know the real secret to it all is temperature control no matter how its achieved (whether through computer controlled pellet feeding, or constant temperature water bath (sous-vide) or steam.