I thought this was pretty cool and wanted to share it with fellow LJ'ers, for those of you still remaining. For my school we have these required courses called dialogue, where you spend a whole semester talking about modern slavery, where it is, why, whos involved and then write a bunch of papers on what you researched blah blah..pretty depressing and shocking at times esp. when you find out the statistics of how many millions are victimized in a year all over the globe. One of the professors used to be a pastor in the suburbs outside of chicago a few years back and he explained how cases of domestic slavery were popping up all over in the suburbs. Kinda shocking for me b/c you don't think of slavery as an ongoing process, much less just 10 min from your house. Feel free to ask how domestic slavery is possible in the U.S. So anyways the cool thing is we each had to pay $250 for a "dialogue fee" w/ our tuition, it goes towards guest speakers etc and the students and teacher decide if they want to use the rest of the money to go on a class trip or eat out or whatever. we decided we're going to donate all of ours to an organization that helps (mainly) women and children in thailand and india. theres also another site that I thought was pretty cool that lets you donate and get something in return. Kind of a final product. Its just a handmade card (they're really sweet looking!) which is made by these women who were once used or possibly at risk to be trafficked into brothels. It allows them to earn money and not get led astray by traffickers looking for women who need jobs under false pretenses. heres the link for the cards, they're only $2
http://www.ywamthai.org/bangkok/cards.htmCheck it out, it's legit, a girl from class ordered a bunch of them to sell on campus and I'm going to order some too.