Feb 27, 2004 22:23

It's so nice to be on break. it's gonna be a good one i think. Everyone was so tired and ready for some down time. Jodi went to Cali for the break to look for houses. I think she misses Shawn...it's a good thing! hehe. Rav and a whole bunch of my other friends left for Italy today. Rav could barely sit still all day waiting for the clock to tick! She was funny.

Oh and by the way...Rick and i are offical! I'm sooo happy. he's the best thing that happened to me since coke slurpees and stewarts root beer and that's saying something! He treats me with respect and cares about me. he takes care of me and he's great. we have our first offical date on sunday. we've had a whole bunch of mini dates to the coffee shop and his house for dinner. out to dinner with my family...all kinds of stuff but never just the two of us off campus and out doing something. we're getting all dressed up and we're going to bertuccis for dinner and a movie. then back to his house for some candle-lit evening of romance. our conversations are some of the most romantic things ever. we don't even have to be doing anything. Just talking, holding hands. It's great. I love this kid! I really do!

well it's off to bed... dreams of his smiles!

night all.
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