Here are some more bits of "flavour" - things you don't need to know but if you can remember and use, will add to the foreign feeling of the setting. Don't worry about learning all of it (James and I have had years to come up with it all) but if you pick one or two things to remember and then be prepared to go along with other monsters if you hear them mentioning another bit.
The majority of patrols are military-run and led. Non-military patrolees are either Army reserves (who agree to follow military restrictions in return for acting as specialists on patrols and gaining pay and training) or requested to attend as specialists for specific tasks. Temple/Guild-organised 'patrols' tend to only include members of the specific guild (for the martial ones) or will apply to the Army for military support, placing the military in charge for all combat-related issues.
Patrols also tend to be of more mixed ranks. It would be incredibly rare for a low-level patrol to be sent out without at least a couple of more experienced leaders and more often individual rookie patrolees (two or three at most) will accompany an experienced patrol.
Names for Paths:
The Golden Path - life
Silver - justice
Titanium - order
Iron - might
Lead - death
Nickel - anarchy
Mercury - chaos
Copper - freedom
Bronze - balance
Names for Towers:
Jade Order - earth
Amber - air
Sapphire - water
Ruby - fire
Moonstone - general
Quartz - light (many light mages are instead members of the Knight of Lothander - equivalent to the Humacti)
The Deep Well - believe to be the place standing, mana and gladiator points come from
Full moons are good luck, new moons are associated with bad luck.
Full moons mark new months (currently it is Healers Moon, following the full moon due Tuesday it will be Deceivers Moon)
Moon-touched - Bader has an equivalent to barbarians but they are a fairly taboo subject. There are people who talk to invisible spirits and can't stand magic being cast at them. It is considered to be a corruption of their Deep Well and, while they are not officially exiled, most go to live outside the border in shared communities. The deity Father Fate is considered to be the god of the Moon-touched.
Although the passing of souls falls under Skull Lord, the afterlife itself is the purview of The Grey Dawn (god of balance, magic and duty). A dull featureless plain, a grey clouded sky with just the barest promise of light, souls remain here until they can return to life. Where the souls of those permanently dead go is unknown.
Other guilds:
Bader doesn't have a separate guild of Paladins, rather they would be attached to a particular temple and more usually called Templars
Freeswords are their equivalent of the Gladiators, but only those of noble birth are eligible to join
No separate divisions of Guards/Pathfinders/Wardens within their Army, instead the Army of the Keep covers the protection of the Lord’s holdings (usually towns/cities) and also serve as the law enforcers in settlements. The Army of the Field is a mix of soldiers, reserves and mercenaries dedicated to protecting the lands outside of the settlements. They regularly serve as patrollees, border guards and expeditionary forces.
Currency: the Crescent (16 pennies to a Crescent, 16 Crescents to a Crown). A groat is more of less equivalent to a Crescent.
When estimating numbers, work in 8/16s (octet/hexadecad) rather than 6/12s (half-a-dozen/dozen)
Godwards - North (for the purpose of the event)
Kingwards - South (for the purpose of the event)