
Jul 21, 2008 21:07

So, it was Saturday night and I thought, I've got an evening free with nothing better, I know what, I'll try this LJ tag thing then I'll be able to track my posts and stuff better. And then I realised I had about a bajillion different friends-locks (actually 15!!!) for no readily apparent reason...

Which leads me to:
I have allowed anyone on my friends-list to tag my entries, including creating 'appropriate' new tags (note: I may remove stuff if I get too many or they are too silly...) so, if you are also bored, feel free to tag stuff for me. Currently I have 'larp', 'paganism', 'ic', 'hel', 'tl' and 'lt' tags. I realise this just about scratches the surface of my posts but ran out of enthusiasm before I got to memes and the like.

I'd like to reorganise my friends-locks to be less retarded but still avoid boring people with stuff they're not interested in. I intend to keep paganism and larp filters but remove any BathLARP/Unicorns split and barring LARP-speshul-locks will then leave all other posts either public or friends only. This may mean I tidy up my friends-list to drop people off but frankly I don't think I'll bother. I should probably just get over myself and be nicer to people :P

Anyway, there was a point in that - if you want to be on my paganism filter, larp filter or Hel angst filter, please let me know and I will add you to that custom group. Then, once my tags are sorted, you'll be able to go back through anything on that subject and read my previous wafflings on it (if you even care...)

Also, since I'm posting, I may as well comment on the latest installment in Bath LARP politics...

I have no particular opinion on the Elysium set-up, best of luck to all involved and hoping that it works out for you how you hope.

I intend to continue playing, monstering and GMing TL and very much doubt I'll ever have the free time, energy or brain space for another local system (you can all breathe a sigh of relief now). I hope both systems manage to co-exist.


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