May 29, 2009 23:02
- 12:08 last day at the University of Nottingham - lots of people on leave today so half the goodbyes have been done in advance #
- 14:47 gathering up ID card plus Blackberry Bold and accessories to hand back (tempting though it is to walk off with them!) #
- 15:24 @ jwebbery please give @AlisonMcNab my regards when she starts her new job on Monday #
- 15:26 Karen Gillan is new Doctor Who companion - will watch Fires of Pompeii again to remind myself what she was like in that #
- 16:22 just back from my leaving presentation - received beautiful orchid + Amazon voucher to spend on treats - yay! there were choc cupcakes too! #
- 22:49 missing Blackberry already - can see why they're called crackberries! not worth getting a new one tho cos not compatible with Lboro e-mail #
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