Furries, Camwhores, h4ks0rz, and theorists abound in the rich, cultured environment of the Interwebz. Anyone with free time and a DSL connection, along with a pinch of gullibility, has experienced the trashed landscape of blogs, fan fiction archives, fan forums, and the terrifying wormhole that is theoretical physics forums. For more information on the history and present lol-worthy happenings on the interwebz, consult
encyclopediadramatica.com. Gullibility can send you through hell and back, that's if you escape.
Go visit
abovetopsecret.com for a grand example of putty-minded peons with a tiny comprehension of reality and physics concepts. I realize the amount of sites like this are nearly infinite, but I find the forum layout to be easier to explore. Last summer while I trudged away to summer school every darn day, I enjoyed coming home and reading about conspiracies! Since 9/11, the main focus in conspiracy groups is the impossibility of an aircraft causing a steel structure to burn and fall in a matter of seconds. Of course, the terrorists can't be to blame -- it must have been our government. I realize that this is BS, but it felt infinitely more fascinating than my summer classes. Taking my first semester of Astronomy helped push my interests more towards the Super String/M theories. Infinite universes, strings making up all matter, Schrodinger's Cat, it's all basically unprovable with our present understanding of the universe. If anything, "learning" about these insane theories gave me a better respect for Bill Nye. He just gave to you straight and simple, with experiments to back it up. I just hope the Large Hadron Collider at CERN will put our scientists on a narrowed path that will lead to results. And I'm not that worried about it opening up a black hole on Earth, it's just not that likely something so Hollywood would occur.
I did pick up on one actual fact that has settled a few of my questions about life, the universe, and everything. The most ridiculous examples of useless, crappy evidence are attributed to the UFO buffs. Blurry videos of shape-shifting reptilians and photo shopped invasions of lights are hardly convincing. I don't believe, sorry Mulder.