10 Day Photo Challenge

Jul 11, 2012 01:41

 For someone who probably has a low self esteem, I sure do take a lot of pictures. My journal seems empty and of course I want to bore you with my face so I took this challenge from tumblr and posted it here. :)

1. Facebook Profile Photo

2. A Photo of Yourself A Year Ago

Taken after a cupcake challenge and where my roommate put icing on my face. It was at this summer program down in north carolina. Very fun and it'll be a a full year in a few days. :)

3. A Photo of Someone You Love

This is a picture of Patrick Stump backstage at his show in Nov. I took it while waiting for the opening band to come on stage. I felt like a stalker but I was feeling giddy that night since I was front row for the concert.

4. A Photo that makes you Happy

This was obviously graduation. I told my friends to give a group hug which turned into a group huddle. We told each other that this wasn't a goodbye, it was a see you later. Somehow it became a plan to take over Russia. this just shows how playful we are and even if this was goodbye but I love them dearly.

5. A Photo Of You Making Funny Face

My sister and I. I'm obviously the one with the hat. i take ridiculous pictures and I think this one was appropriate

6. A Photo Of Your Former Crush

:D Get it? Crush? Crush soda!? As you can till, I don't want to share that. It would be looked as creepy.

7. A Photo of you And Your Best Friends

Again, graduation. Love these people. Maybe too much, but we'll see.

8. Your Most Recent Photo of You

Attractive no? :) The reason I took this picture at all is because I had just finished putting on make up and thought I looked nice. I have no reason why I channeled my inner petewentz.

9. A Photo Of You Have Taken

My first time seeing Fall Out Boy perform. ^_^ Minus the mic stand this is a beautiful picture.

10. A Photo That Makes you Laugh

My friends are attractive. Forever making fun of the duck face in front of concert venues. <333

cool story bro, actual journal post, challenge

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