It's come to my attention how truly obsessed I am with Frikey.

Sep 04, 2011 19:38

It should be sickening but I don't think I really care. Frikey is awesome. So imagine my excitement when I clicked the Frank/Mikey tag in AO3 and found about 66 fics dealing with that wonderful pairing. I died and went to Fanfiction heaven.  :)

On other not important news: I started out lining the bandom real world fic. I have no idea why since I know I'm not going to write it soon but I'm getting myself excited. Once I finish the re-write I'm working on, I'll start working on the RW one and shape it to a passable fan fic.

Four days from now I'll be a High School Senior. Oh where does the time go? I have to start applying to colleges soon. Kind of scary but I'm ready for it! My birthday is coming up. Not really a big deal since it's the 17th year I'm alive so all I'm looking forward to is hanging out with my friends.

See, now I'm just rambiling about stupid stuff. To recap: Frikey is amazing, Bandom Real World is outlined for no reason, School is starting and my birthday is this month. YAY. I'll get out of your Flist now. 

school, cool story bro, actual journal post, frikey

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