manic wk end!

Jun 03, 2008 17:55

I blagged this wk end spectacularly well I think.
Friday was very cool as it was zone 1 challenge - (see previous entry).
During the challenge Dyson (luke) and Shinny (Mark) suggested I come to Salisbury cos they were down for wk end for their friends birthday. I didn't really say yes or no - cos I thought they joking.
But then that evening Ceri suggested it.  So I asked Mark if i could crash with him - cos Ceri didn't have room cos L (her bf) was staying with her.

So Saturday I got to Salisbury and finally met Ceri's boyfriend.   He's a nice guy and they seem really happy together - so yay.
Also finally met Izzy - one of Mark's old school friends and ceri's church friend.  We got along great :)
We went go karting for Dom's birthday.  Well I didn't actually go kart - I filmed them.  Ceri caused the biggest crash - which stopped the race so they could rebuild the wall.  
Mark,Izzy, Dyson and co's  team won of our three teams that took part. (11 teams took part in total).  Ceri's team came second.
Then we all went to Mark's parents house - which is amazing!!!!!!  Dude!  And the garden is beautful too.  His parents are lovely as well.
Evening we all went out for dinner.  It was meant to be fancy dress - something D.  Izzy came as Dorothy - and a few people came semi fancy dress.  Was a good night out.  We had a lot of wine.  Don't think Mark had seen me tipsy before.  I was fine though.  Just me and Izzy gossiping about Mark and Ceri... Mark mainly.  They regret introducing us.  
After dinner a few of us went dancing for a bit - then Mark and I went to Ceri's and talked till 3am!  Haven't done that for ages.  Mark wrestled me twice - and damanaged my finger!  but still good fun!
Finally got to ride in Kitt 3 - which is sooo pretty and purple. 
Stayed at Marks - and had an en suite with everything you need - from shower gel to contact lense solution.
Mark is not a morning person lol - and nor am I!

Sunday was a more chilled out.  Mark dropped me off at Ceri's and, along with L, went for lunch and then power walked back to her's as it was tipping it down!!!  Not fun!
Then we chilled out till church.  It's a nice church and people.  got signed up to go to a camping wk end with the 20s & 30s goup... and guess where it is - Honiton.  2 mins from my old devon village!  what are the chances?
Went to pub after church and met more Salisbury people, who are cool guys.

Finally went home Monday morning.

Leanne and I went out in London yesterday and went to Natural History and Science musiums.  much fun and lot sof buttons to press and games to play.  
Then we went and saw Avenue Q!!   If you haven't seen it you so have to - so funny and Daniels Boys is good as Rod - so gay!

random, friends, theatre

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