meeting squee

Apr 29, 2008 16:37

I had my meeting with the radio 4 producer -KM.   She is absolutley lovely.   We talked for an hour about producing, radio 4 comedy and stuff.  She reccomended that I apply for the producing tranieeship that they are bringing back in June.  It's how she got in and said it's a great way to do it.  Or look for broadcasting assistant jobs, but that doesn't always lead to producing.  It turns out we both listened to radio 4 with parentals growing up.  and she said if i get the interview - be myself totally and know what you would like.  ie - how i'd love to work for (new talent and well established people), the type of shows, and why. Also to tell them what i think of exsisting shows - and what might do differently etc.
 We talked about Now Show (cos i go to recordings) and went through her process.  the things i'd have to look our for - swearing, legal issue, copy righting etc etc.  She also said - which i knew already - that I wouldn't get rich working in radio.  not even the actors/comedians get paid much.  you do it cos you love it; not for the money.  She also told me never to work on Womens Hour - cos apparently it's very stressful and not fun at all to work on.  she also told me not to be too good or they'd replace her with me..  yeah right.
So yes - was very cool.  Now gotta wait over a month for the job to be advertised. 


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