
Apr 17, 2008 23:43

A couple of weeks I emailed Jon Holmes(via his website), asking for KM's email adress (producer of Now Show)  cos I thought maybe she could give me a bit of advise on how to get into business etc.  Thought she would just reply with the usual;  'keep at it;, make contacts; etc etc' stuff.  But after a couple of emailes she said maybe we should meet up for a coffee and a chat :D:D   I squeed a lot.  Cos dude - if I impress her you never know she might put in agood word for me at the bbc.  
On the subject of Now Show - we went again tonight to recording.  and sat infront of Jon holmes again...  he must recognise us by now lol.  We were planning on being fangirls after and waiting and getting auto.  But there wasn't a Marcus or Hugh - so we thought we'd wait till nex week when the whole cast is there.  Plus we were both a bit sheepish - cos neither of us have done the whole 'stage door' thing. getting autos outside of a con seems werid.  But as next week is the last in the series I will get autos (and I will try not to jump Jon Holmes....)

squee, now show

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