
Jan 11, 2008 15:19

I'm bored at work - waiting for my new keycard for tomorrow morning... 
So while I wait I did a meme which I tole from Dennis

I: Part the first: The "you" section.

1) What is the floor of your room made of? (carpet/floorboards/tiles,&c)
a boring, plain carpet.

2) What is your grandmother's (either) maiden name?
To be honest I haven't a clue for either of them....  bad granddaughter i am

3) Do you have any pets? Do you WANT a pet if you don't have one?
I have no pets any more...  I'd love to have a cat or rabbit at some point.

4) What are your siblings like?
oldest bro is protective, and yet still annoying lol. lives up north with his lovely wife.  Not sure where he works - he's changed jobs a few times.  But he wants to be a full time photographer.
Middle bro is alright - a starwars geek.  
youngest (but still older than me) bro is an account type person, and has just moved into a new flat with his g/f.
don't really know my step bro & s

5) Say something about your home town/village/city/district/road/whatever
Southampton - home of the chav.  such a lovely place lol.

7) Are you at all random?
I think some people think I am - but in my mind I'm not...  but my mind makes links most people dont get :)

8) Where were you at 12:00 on the night of tuesday last?
probably on facebook - or in bed.

9) What colour is your dressing gown?
pale-ish blue.

10) Are you a vegitarian/vegan/carnivore/follower of L. Ron Hubbard?

11) What are you reading this quiz on?

12) What, at present, can you hear?
A worship CD thats on in the Bookshop behind me.

13) What number is lucky for you?
Don't consider numbers lucky - but I do love 42, for obvious reasons

14) Where was your last holiday?
Vancouver!!!!!!  3 weeks in july/august!

15) How would you like to die?
peacefully in my sleep when i'm really old!

16) Do you like marshmallows?
Indeedy, ideally toasted over a fire.

17) Do you know who Segolene Royal is?
nope - but i'm sure i could find out.... if i could be arsed

18) Do you own a lava lamp?

19) What can you see through the window?
What window?  The only window in the office is covered up :(

20) What's the last joke that made you laugh?
"and you can be president for ever..."  and a very dirty joke that one of boys playing The Boy in the Snowman told us.  A twelve yr old should not know those sort of jokes.

BONUS QUESTION: Who's the last Livejournal friend you saw in person?


II: Part the second: The "if" section.

21) If you could meet anyone, in the present or in the past, who would it be?
Don't really know..

22) Say you get the chance to meet Tony Blair. What do you do?
Not a lot...

23) If you woke up one morning to find a briefcase with £1,000,000 within lying at the foot of your bed, what would you do?
Find out why it's there... and whose it is

24) If you could choose a moment in history to relive, what would it be?
D-day maybe.

25) Say there's a gas leak up next door and you have to evacuate the street. What do you save from the house?
laptop - as it has everything on it (ie, photos, personal details, music etc)

26) The genie from Aladdin pops out of the plug hole and agrees to give you one wish. What would it be?
If I were being totally selfish I guess my dream job (ie stage manager/ 1st AD).

27) What, in your opinion, would Groucho Marx have said to Pope Benedict XVI?
Nothing I think of would be half as witty as Groucho would think of himself

28) If you could hop into a space pod, where would you go in in the solar system?
I'd go to the restaurant at the end of the universe :)

29) What do you find if you stretch your right arm as far over as possible without leaving the chair?
Jeremy's phone

BONUS QUESTION: If you eat cheese, do you (personally) dream or have nightmares?
I haven't had any dreams, that I remember, for a long time.  and from what I remember, my dreams were weird with or without cheese.  Haven't had nightmares since i was a kiddie *touch wood*

III: Part the third: The "favourite" section.

31) What is your favourite ice-cream flavour?
Any Ben & Jerry's

32) What is your favourite soap opera?

33) What is your favourite country (other than the UK and its constituent nation-lets)?
Canada - love it!!

34) Favourite film?
LOTR, Star Wars (original!)

35) Favourite Disney character?
Captain Jack Sparrow at the mo.  but it changes.

36) Favourite mega-corporation?
Don't really have one

37) Favourite thing about yourself?
Don't have one...  other people may be able to answer...

38) Favourite place?
Vancouver, Cornwall, Cardiff's nice.

39) Least favourite place?
That I've been to - probably Soton, oh and heathrow as it's a pain to get from airport to hotels at conventions.

40) Least favourite thing about yourself?
my low self esteem.

BONUS QUESTION: Who among your friends has your favourite profile photo on Facebook?
Hannah's - but thats only cos of her current profile pic

IV: Part the fourth: Misc.

41) Mac or PC?
I am getting used to Macs, but I've always been a PC person.

42) Light room or dark room?
Depends on the occasion...

43) What is the current disk/DVD in the drive (or what is the last one you watched/heard?)
In my laptop at home it's Ross Noble's Fuzzy Logic.

44) Last two people on your missed calls list?
Matt (work) and my dad

45) Current desktop picture?
The Alpha course poster thing at work, and Now Show promo shot thing on laptop

46) What one thing sticks out for you from the last week's news?
I can't really remember - been too busy with finished Snowman and then searching for jobs...   must catch up on news

47) Which drink do you prefer?
alcohol probably archers and lemonade, non-alcoholic is probably diet coke as I lived on that during the show.

48) What colour are your computer speakers?
Dont have any - I have headphones which are black

49) What other websites/tabs/windows do you have open at the moment?
Facebook, outlook and word

50) Did you ever have to wear school uniform?
Yep for both secondary school and sixth form...  both so lovely lol.


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