fic post

Jun 06, 2006 18:05

Fic title:  Taking the leap (2/3)
Author:   Ruthiesgc
Fandom/pairing: SGA Sheppard/Becktt
Rating:  um overall nc-17....(DO NOT READ IF THIS IS NOT YOUR THING!) 
Genre: slash, established relationship.
disclaimer: I own?  I wish - all MGM's
Words:  4,000 roughly
Notes:  This chapter is unbetad - all mistakes are mine...whoops.  
Spoliers: Set beginning of Series 2 - after Runner.  No other spoilers in this chapter
Comments always welome too

part 1 is here

Part Two. Set 2 weeks after Part 1.

Carson woke up; surprised that John was still there, awake watching him. 
“Morning.” John couldn’t, and want to, hide his smile.
“Morning. You not going for a run?” Carson asked sleepily.
“Nope. Thought I’d spend the morning with you before work?”
“Sounds perfect.” Carson replied kissing him, rolling so that he was on top of John. He kissed his way along John’s jaw line, hands sliding down his sides.  John started moaning as he started tracing his hands along Carson’s back, making Carson shiver with pleasure. Carson started to suck one of John’s nipples, humming as John arched his back- wanting more. Carson moved, kissing and licking down John’s stomach past his naval until he stopped by his cock. He hesitated, which John noticed.
They had spent the last couple of weeks sleeping together, discovering each other’s bodies, but not rushing things, both just enjoying their make out sessions and touching and caressing each other. But now Carson wanted to do more to John, hoping what he was doing was ok.
“You don’t have to. Come back up here - let me do something for you.” John’s words bringing Carson back to the present.
“I want to - just never have….”
“I won’t think any less if you don’t - love you”. Those last words made Carson want to do anything and everything to John. He smirked and started licking the head of his cock, noting it tasted a lot nicer than he thought it would. He ran his tongue along the head. John gasped and lifted his hips, wanting more, needing more. Carson took the hint and took his cock into his mouth little by little, licking and sucking as he did. John restrained himself as best he could. He wanted so much to fuck Carsons mouth but he didn’t want to startle his lover. So he remained as still as he could, groaning and pleading for more. 
Carson took as much of his cock into his mouth as could and hummed, sending John over the edge. He tried to warn Carson but it was too late and he came in his mouth. Carson swallowed Johns come, too surprised to do much else. As Johns orgasm subsided, Carson got up and went to wash his mouth out. It might not have tasted as bad as he thought, but it still wasn’t the nicest taste in the world. He returned to see John sprawled on the bed with a smile on his face, still too sated to move.
“God Carson - that was amazing…I’ll uh return the favour after I can move again”
“Glad it was ok. You don’t have….I’ve got to get to work - can’t have the CMO being late.” Carson walked over and flopped back down next to John stroking his side not wanting to leave. 
“Well this isn’t helping the whole ‘going to work’ thing really” John laughed and he started kissing Carson’s shoulder. 
“I know. Just don’t want to move.” 
“Come on.” John patted Carson’s thigh. “Quick shower - then you’ve got work, and I’ve got a mission briefing.”
They shared a not so quick shower, getting dressed quickly and leaving Carson’s room, going their separate ways making arrangements to meet later.

John went to the briefing with the rest of his team and Weir, arranging to go off world, the next morning for a routine meet and greet.

Carson walked into the mess hall and immediately saw John sitting with Teyla and Ronan. He got his food and made his way to their table and sat opposite John, saying his helloes. 
“So how was you’re briefing?”
“It was….well a briefing. Mission scheduled for tomorrow morning.” John replied, as he slipped his shoe off his foot quietly, luckily no-one noticing. 
“I hope it’s a simple mission? I would appreciate there being no injuries on this mission please?” Carson laughed. He then had to try and hide the shock he was feeling as he felt John’s foot slide up his leg.  John had his neutral, innocent face on as he worked his way up Carson’s leg.
“Yes, it’s a simple meet and greet. We’re not planning any injuries or any problems at all doc.” Carson had to force his eyes open and to stop gasp as John stroked his thigh, stopping just before he reached his crotch.
“If you will excuse us doctor, Colonel; Ronan and I have a training session.” Teyla stood up with her usual grace, Ronan not as graceful, John and Carson saying their goodbyes. When they left Carson turned to John, determined to tell him off. However John had other ideas. He continued his journey up to Carson crotch with his foot, with Carson unable to restrain his gasp this time.
“John….please not here.” Carson struggled to get out. 
“You want me to stop? Or we could just continue this somewhere more private?”
“God yes…that’s get out of here…now!” Carson got up and started to clear his plate away as he was talking. John quickly slipping his shoe back on and followed Carson back to his own quarters - as it was nearer. As soon as they got in the door Carson pushed John against the door, holding his head in his hands he kissed him trying to express how much he wanted John. John slid his hand down under Carson’s waistband his finger trying to slid into Carson. Carson broke the kiss and stepped back.
“I’m sorry I’m not ready for that yet… I need a bit more time.” He turned away from John. 
“It’s ok. I’m sorry - I got carried away.”
“I do want to… just you know…?” John went over to Carson and held his hand and backed him against the wall, smirking. 
“I understand, I do.”  He moved his hand down to Carson’s cock, making him moan. “Let me return the favour from this morning?” All Carson could do is nod as John started to nuzzle his neck and moved his hands to Carson’s belt, undoing it and pulling them, and his boxers down. He started stroking Carson’s cock as he knelt down never taking his eyes off Carson’s as he did. He took a second to debate how to do it. He started by teasing the head, kissing it. He was rewarded by Carson moaning and his hips automatically went forward. John then dived in taking as much of Carson’s cock as he could in his mouth and sucking on it, his tongue twisting over the head, making Carson moan for more. His hand moved to Johns head, holding it in place. John brought his hands up to Carson’s thigh and start stroking them, making Carson moan more. When Carson felt Johns hands on his thighs he had to look down, and what he saw made practically come. John’s head was bobbing as he became very enthusiastic as he sucked Carson off. Carson could feel his balls tighten, and he tried to warn John, but failed and all he could do was call Johns name as he came in his mouth. 
Carson rested himself on John’s shoulders as he tried to get his breath back. Once he had he helped John to his feet and gave him a lazy, sloppy kiss. 
“God John” *kiss* “that was” *kiss* “amazing” *kiss*. 
“Glad you enjoyed it” John laughed. 
“Enjoyed? Man it was….” Not able to find the right words he kissed him again, his hands wondering up and down Johns back. He tasted himself in Johns mouth and he turned him on as he moaned and delved in deeper into Johns mouth wanting more of the man. But they had to break for air after a while and rested their foreheads together and panting.
“Carson - I hate to stop this, but you have to get back to work...continue this afterwards?”
“Yeah…ok.” Carson sounded disappointed as he kissed John again before going to change his trousers. “I’d better get back to work I suppose.”
“I’ll come pick you up after your shift ends yeah?” Kissing Carson, John backed them towards the door. “Come on. Time for all good doctors to get back to their patients.”
“Hmm. Yeah I guess so.”

Carson walked towards the central command, having been called for.
“Colonel Sheppard’s team is coming back with casualties.” 
Before waiting for anymore information he rushed down the steps, followed by his medical team, to meet the team. The ‘gate activated and once the IDC was confirmed Ronan walked through carrying Sheppard and Teyla was behind helping Rodney walk. 
“What happened?” Carson demanded as he went to see Sheppard who was obviously unconscious.
“He and Dr McKay went off to explore an energy reading, ten minuets later Dr McKay radioed for assistance. We found them as they are and we helped them to the stargate.” Teyla answered. 
“Right lets get them to the infirmary.” Then he turned to his medical team; “Help me get them onto gurneys.” Then he noticed that Rodney was unusually quiet, and as his team took John to the infirmary he went along with Rodney. Once they got there Carson sat Rodney down on a bed and stared examining the injury he had on his leg. 
“Rodney, you ok?”
“Hmmm? Yes I’m fine, shouldn’t you be seeing to Sheppard?” Rodney asked avoiding Carson’s eyes. 
“Rodney, he’s going to be fine. But I need to know what happened on the planet.”
“We went to explore these ruins that had energy readings that were consistent with a ZedPM.” Rodney turned to see what was happening to John as he continued talking, quieter. “I was sure it was safe. Sheppard noticed the booby trap before I did and he pushed me out of the way. There was this flash of light that seemed to hit him. I got pushed to the wall where spikes had appeared…you sure he’s going to be ok?”
“Rodney it’s not your fault. And yes he should be fine. As far as we can tell he has no physical injury, he’s just unconscious.”
“Don’t you want to go be with him?” Rodney asked sheepishly. 
“I will be - as soon as I know you’re ok. The good news is I don’t think you’ve broken anything. The spike seemed to have missed the bone. I’ll get a nurse to come and do some tests. But you too will be fine.”
“Good.  When can I get back to work?” Carson smirked. If Rodney was asking about work he knew he was fine. 
“Not yet Rodney. We’ve got to see to your leg first.”
“Thanks.” Rodney lied back, letting Carson know he was fine and that he could go and see John. Even though Rodney spoke too much, often rambling, Carson noted that the important and more personal things Rodney wanted to say he said through his body language. He had gotten pretty good at reading Rodney over the past year, as their friendship grew. He walked over to his unconscious lover, making sure no-one was looking, he took John’s hand in his and gave it a soft kiss, lying it back down on the bed, still holding and stroking it. He checked his vitals, and happy that they were ok he sat beside him, stroking his hair off his face.
“I asked for no injuries.” He sighed.
“Not my fault…” John whispered. As soon as John opened his eyes, trying to see Carson, he had a light shone in his eye. “Urgh….Carson do you mind?”
“I’m sorry Colonel, but I have to make sure you haven’t damaged you’re head badly.”  Carson replied as he moved the light to his other eye. He made sure to maintain his professionalism as he examined his lover. “Colonel, can you tell me your name? Where you are, and who I am?”
“John Sheppard, Atlantis infirmary and you are Doctor Beckett.” Emphasising the word ‘doctor’, making only Carson aware of how he wanted to call him something else entirely. 
“Good, I think you’ll live.” 
“So. When can I get out of here? There are certain things I really want to be getting on with.” John asked raising his eyebrows at Carson, who quickly looked around and then took John’s hand and squeezed it gently. 
“Soon John, soon.” He held John’s gaze trying to communicate all the love he was feeling. John, understanding, nodded. They stayed like for a few moments until John let Carsons hand go, who gave him a confused look before turning around to see Teyla standing at the door.
“I came to see how the Colonel was.” 
“Oh he’s fine lass. I’m keeping him in overnight for observation though.” Carson replied, telling John more than Teyla.
“Carson I’m fine.” John whined. 
“Colonel, I do not believe that Doctor Beckett would keep you here if it were not necessary.” Teyla said as she made her way to his bed. 
“I know. Just kinda annoying you know?” John then turned his gaze to Carson. “Kinda had plans tonight.” He said with a smirk, which Teyla noticed, and look slightly confused at. 
“Aye, well they’ll have to wait Colonel.” Carson tried, and failed to hide his smile. Teyla looked between them, confused by the obvious private moment the two men were sharing.
“I shall leave you to get your rest Colonel. I am glad you are ok.”
“Thanks Teyla, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Teyla walked out the infirmary slightly confused but knowing it was obviously not her business to know. 
Back in the infirmary Carson was about to make his rounds, as he had a couple of other patients, when John grabbed his wrist. 
“Carson I think Teyla suspects something.” His voice sounding a little unsure.
“Aye I noticed.  What do you want to do?”
“You’re asking me?”
“You’re the one who stands to lose more…I’ll do whatever you decide John.” Carson’s voice was sincere. He sat down next to John’s bed and took his hand stroking it. 
“Let me think about it ok?” Carson nodded. “I’d better let you get to your other patients.” He gave Carsons hand a gently squeeze then let it go. 
“Aye I had. Get some rest and I’ll see you tomorrow.” He looked around to make sure no-one else was around. Satisfied they were completely alone Carson bent down and gave John a chaste kiss, which John quickly deepened, putting his head round Carsons neck. Carson broke away reluctantly. “John…God I want you, but you have to rest. And I have patients. Try and get some sleep love.” Carson stood up and went towards the other room. John whispered, just loud enough for Carson to hear; “I love you”, Carson replying with the same words as he went to do his rounds. 
John lay there thinking about what, if anything to tell Teyla. After an hour of thinking he decided that as soon as he got out of the infirmary he would go and talk to both Teyla and Ronan. Well not straight away, first thing he was he wanted to do was drag Carson back to his room and make him come until he passed out. He soon fell asleep thinking of the things he wanted to do to Carson and what he wanted Carson to do to him.

John woke up in the morning eager to leave the infirmary. He waited for Carson to come and discharge so they could go back to his room.
Carson walked in and took a look at Johns chart.
“Well, can I leave yet?”
“In a minute. We should talk first.” Carson sat down next to Johns bed.
“Yeah I know.” John sighed. “I thought about it all last night and I’ve decided we should tell Teyla and Ronan. I mean Rodney knows, and Elizabeth. They’re my team-mates and our friends.” John paused before he asked; “Will you come with me?” 
“Of course I will you daft bugger. I’ve got today off if you want? You’re free to go.” With that he handed John his clothes. He quickly got dressed and he and Carson went to get breakfast before going to find Teyla and Ronan. They found them in the mess hall. They went to sit with them. They chatted about life, the universe and everything but the Wraith; until Carson gently nudged John’s side and gave him a little look.
“Uh guys we need to talk to you about something. Are you free today at all?”
Teyla looked at Ronan and then back at John. “Of course Colonel. We are both free this evening if that is convenient?”
“Right. Yeah that fine, isn’t it?” John looked at Carson who nodded in agreement. 
Ronan grunted. They all finished their breakfast in relative silence, Carson and John sharing glances a couple of times. When they cleared away their dishes Beckett realised they hadn’t made arrangements for where to meet.
“ about my quarters at 8? It’s centralish, and private?” Carson suggested, unable to think of anywhere else truly private other that people’s quarters.
“That is fine doctor.” Teyla replied, Ronan nodding and grunting. 
They then left the mess hall, going in opposite directions. 
Carson and John walked to Carsons room where they spent the rest of the morning and afternoon making out and talking.

When 8pm came Teyla and Ronan knocked on the door, which John opened without them leaving the edge of the bed where they were sitting, legs touching.
Teyla and Ronan sat down on the sofa opposite the bed as they said their greetings.
 “Right.” John looked at Carson, who nodded gently. “We wanted to tell you guys something. Something that you can’t tell anyone else, although Rodney and Elizabeth already know.” John took a deep breath before he continued. “We’re together. Carson and I are a couple.” With that John reached and held Carsons hand, resting it on his leg. 
“I don’t see the problem?” Ronan stated.
“In my military men aren’t allowed to have relationships with other men. If certain people found out I would get thrown out and sent back to Earth.” John looked at Carson and smiled sadly. 
“That won’t happen love.” Carson gave John a chaste kiss.
“We will not tell anyone.” Teyla reassured them
“Of course not. I just think its stupid rule though. But we will say nothing.”  
Carson and John smiled at each other.
“Thanks guys.” John sighed a sigh of relieve. 
“Anything else Sheppard? I have a training session with some marines.” Ronan got up and walked towards the door.
“No that was everything. Thanks Ronan.”
“No problem Sheppard. Beckett.” He nodded to them and left.
“I am happy for you two. I understand now the look you two shared yesterday in the infirmary. I hope you have a happy life together.” Teyla said as the door closed behind Ronan.
“Thanks Teyla.”
“Aye thank you.” 
“I should take my leave too. If you will excuse me.” Teyla rose and touched foreheads with them both, as was the Athosian custom and left, John seeing her out. He went back to Carson and kissed him passionately. 
“I want you John.” Carson said as dragged John to the bed. “I want you in me. Please John.”
“Are…Are you sure? It’s a big step.” John held Carsons gaze.
“I’m sure John. I love you, and I want you…Only you!” And to prove his point he kissed John and proceeded to strip both him and John quickly.

The next morning they both woke up with silly grins on their faces, still holding each other.
“Good morning.” Carson said kissing John.
“Morning. You realise you’re grinning from ear to ear?” John laughed.
“As are you. And why shouldn’t I? I had an amazing night last night.”
“Yeah? Do anything exciting?” 
“Hmm…not much really” and when John poked him he laughed “well apart from, you know, making love with the most gorgeous man in the world.  Who I love!”
“I was about to say the exact same thing.” 
Before they could do or say anything else, John heard some-one call his name through the ear piece on the bed side table. He groaned in annoyance and reached for it before answering.
“Yes, Sheppard here.”
“Colonel can you and Doctor Beckett meet me in my office please?”
“Yeah sure. I’ll go fetch the doc and meet you in 15.” John signed off, and turned to face a quizzical look from Carson. To which he answered “Open channel.” Carson relaxed and nodded.
They got dressed quickly and headed down to Elizabeth’s office. They sat down at her desk and John realised that she was fighting back a smile, which had him wondering.
“I have some news you might be interested in.” John and Carson looked at each other and then back at Elizabeth waiting for her to continue. “I got a communication from General O’Neill last night. He was successful in changing the ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ policy, not just for Atlantis but for the entire Stargate programme. It becomes official at of tomorrow at 0900.” John and Carson couldn’t stop smiling, and Carson took John’s hand in his. 
“So…we can be official?”
“As of tomorrow morning. I am making a city wide announcement tomorrow at 0900, and would appreciate you two and Rodney being there. To show that the senior staff are together on this. Especially the military commander.” 
“Yes of course we will.” 
“Good. That was everything.” Elizabeth finished with knowing that they would have a lot to talk about. As they got up John broke their contact, telling Carson they had to wait until it was official. Saying their goodbyes they headed for the mess hall for breakfast.

Most of the expedition were gathered in the gate room for the announcement. And they put it on the PA system for those who weren’t able to make it. 
Elizabeth walked out of her office along with Rodney, Carson and John who stood beside her.
“Ladies and Gentlemen may I have your attention please?” The room fell silent. “Thank you. I have received from General O’Neill at the SGC notice that off 0900 this morning they military policy of ‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell’ has been revoked for everyone involved in the Stargate programme. If anyone has a problem with this, for whatever reason they may talk to me or one of the senior staff and we will organise for you to return back to Earth for a different posting.” Elizabeth stopped for a moment to let anyone ask any questions. Only one came.
“So what does it actually mean?” Asked a marine in the crowd. Elizabeth glanced over at John as it was a solider who asked, seeing if he wanted to answer. 
“It means that I can finally do this”. And with that John walked over to Carson, who looked shocked and placed his hands either side of his head and gave him a passionate kiss in front of everyone. Carson soon responded to the kiss eagerly. The only thing stopping them was Rodney coughing loud enough for them to hear. 
John broke the kiss and stood beside Carson and held his hand firmly. 
“If you have any further questions?” John asked the crowd, smirking as Carson blushed, as did Rodney, Elizabeth and a good portion of the crowd. John didn’t care. 
Elizabeth finished up the announcement and sent everyone make to work. She then turned towards John. “Not exactly how I thought you would answer the question John. But never mind. The message got across.” 
They said their goodbyes and Carson and John walked to the infirmary hand in hand, both smiling as they did. They knew there would be a few people, mainly the marines, who wouldn’t take kindly to DADT being revoked, but if they caused any trouble for anyone they would be sent back. 


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