(no subject)

Apr 12, 2006 21:58

what a waste of a day. I've spend most of it trying to write an essay...and failing badly. But tomorrow I'm off to the library to do a lot more research and I'm coming back till at least half of one essay is finished! Thats the plan.

on the bright side got a call from a temp agency in Bristol saying that they've put me forward for a job I applied for and that they've got a number of jobs that might suit me, and that they'd call me beofre they put my name forward for any other jobs! So am hopeful.

Plus drooled over the TV this morning as David Tennant was on This Morning and had a beard!! oh.my.goodness he looked fine! As did JB of course!

Is it Saturday yet? Want DW!

dr who, uni, jobs

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