another meme....

Mar 21, 2006 21:31

First list your six favourite shows.

In no particular order
1. Stargate SG1
2. Stargate Atalntis
3. Babylon5
4. Firefly
5. Lost
6. CSI

Then answer these

1. Who is your favorite character from #2? (SGA) Mckay and Beckett - cos i can't choose between them!

2. Who is your least favorite character from #4? (Firefly) Iniara(i can't spell) - just cos I love the others more!

3. What would a crossover between #1 and #5 include? (SG1 and Lost) Well it would have to be something like - the island they're on isn't actually an island on Earth. I would (badly) explain that they crashed cos they went through a freak wormhole and ended up on a random planet. And then the SG1 team would stumble across that planet and rescue them and stuff.

4. Who is your favorite ship from #6? (CSI) Warrick and Catherine! Just cos - i mean in the later series when they look at each other - so doing it!

5. If you were to set one person from #3 and one person from #6 on a blind date, who would they be? (B5 and CSI) Bester and Eckles - just cos they are both right gits they would be perfect for each other lol.

6. If you could meet one person from #4 and spend the day with them, who would it be, and what would you do? (Firefly) Simon - and I'd make him an innocent way! He's always so sressed ont he prog and film (well before the end lol) so we'd just chill and out not do much..

7. If you could change one thing about #2's plotline, what would you change? (SGA) I'd make it so it was obvious that McKay and Sheppard were doing it! The fact that Joe was shocked when he heard abou the mcshep fic means i'd add a few lines in a few scenes so it was obvious to the actors what their characters got up to in between eps and scenes lol

8. Explain a relationship between two people (not necessarily romantic) from show #5, and why you like the relationship between them. (Lost) Charlie and Claire (ok i havent seen much sereis 2). I just think that they're so sweet together. They may not be 'together', but what they have in their relationship is so cute and sweet....want to cuddle Charlie
9. If the lead title characters (first name in the credits) from #1 and #3 were both drowning, and you could save only one, who would it be? (SG1 &B5) Well I'm taking O'neill as the lead for Sg1...cos he always will be for me lol....I'd save O'Neill cos Sherdian in B5 gets saved from Death in B5 once- so it can happen again...Plus Daniel needs Jack!
10. If you could change the title characters' order in the credits for #4, what order would you choose? (Firefly) I'd put Wash and simon as firs and second, then Mel, then Jayne, then River, then Book, then Zoe, and then Inaria
11. If you were able to add a new character, any kind of character you wanted, to the storyline for #6 (CSI) a get Greg a g/f...preferably played by me lol
12. What happens in your favorite episode of show #2? (SGA) fav ep? I don't really have a fav ep....but thudjack will agree when I say anything with lots of Mckay and/or mcshep is always good
13. If you could kill off one of the characters of #1, who would it be and how would you do it? (SG1) Ry'ack - just cos Neil Dennis is a little git! I'd kill him off slowly....a staff blast or something
14. If you got the chance to visit the set for either show #3 or show #5, which would you choose? (B5 or Lost) - well seeing how B5 has finished it would have to be Lost...but if it were still being aired i'd have said B5 probably...but only so i could meet certain actors...but i'd be hapy going to the Lost set. I mean hello - Domonic M anyone??
15. If you could date anyone from any of these shows, which show and which person?
Actors or characters?? ahh but in a weird coincedence the actors i would date are the actors of the characters i would date too lol
Paul McGillion - who plays Beckett in SGA
Jason Carter - who plays Marcus in B5
Claudia Christian - who plays Ivannova in B5


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