Ugh . . .

May 28, 2004 09:30

I missed 1 question out of all four tests!! And it wasn't even a hard one. It was one of those that I didn't study enough for because I was concentrating on the nmore difficult ones. I could poke myself in the eye. How could I have missed it!?!?
But I did okay on the manicure test. She said I did nothing wrong, except that it took me 35 minutes rather than 30. But she said that in time, I would be much faster. So, hopefully she'd right. . .and I think she is.
We're learning tips right now and can I just say that I hat them and that just getting tips will NOT be on my list of services. WHo would just want a plastic tip on their nail anyway? (without acrylic, gel or wraps) ONly crazy people who think it looks good. . .which it totally doesn't! I mean I'm not terrible at it, but when I do the tip application, you can tell where the tip is and you're not supposed to. I'm hoping I'll get better at it, but Cira's (pronounced Seer-ah) look so good and it's irritating. And I don't handle irritation/frustration well. Cira told me to breath and that everyone has their things that they're good at. I'm better at manicures than she is and she's better at tips than I am. . .then she said that we should open a salon together. That would be fun, but I don't knwo if her dreams are the same as mine. . .and mine are quite big. . .nothing short of for me. . .
Not to mention that I HATE the fake fingers they gave us. The nails don't stay in them and they pop out right as you're trying to work on them. .can you tell that I'm quite frustrated with that aspect of school? People are going to be sooo much easier to work on!
Anyway, I am enjoying school, but I'm a bit nervous about being in the clinic this Saturday and actually working on clients. It's only manicures and pedicures and I'm good at both so, I should be fine.

I don't have to work on Monday!! Finally, two days in a row to sleep in! This schedule is absolutely killing me. I hate being gone from sun up to sun down. I wake up, get ready to go to work and don't come home until I'm ready to get ready for bed. Granted it's only until October, but it's definitely proving that I was not made for that busy of a life.

I'm not doing so good on not thinking about Brad. Maybe I should quit going to his website, eh? :) No, but really, everytime I think about how nice it would be to have someone right now, his name comes to mind. Grrr. It probably will until he either never ends up calling me or I meet him and there are no sparks. Who knows.

More later, maybe. I've got some reading and commenting to do and then writing!
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