ruthiwhy is it easier to feel bad about the things I have not done than to feel good about the things I have done?
supermousebecause you are not writing down the things you have done
ruthi Okay. I shall write down the things I have done.
supermouse there is, quite literally, an *infinite* amount of things you have not done. You have not climbed everest or repainted the kitchen, you have not adopted 27 cats, nor trained a budgerigar to say 'your flies are undone!'. You have not driven to Manchester, nor painted the Mona Lisa.
ruthi these are all true.
ruthi I have not painted a budgerigar, nor taught the mona lisa to speak
ruthi But! I have joined bookmooch! I have sent out books that were requested.
ruthi I have examined apples and carrots and thought 'these would be better in a stew', and then I made stew.
ruthi I put up an LJ-post about the unneeded comics singles and got requests and now I have given them away!
ruthi I got out to the pub and met friends and even remembered to buy people drinks
supermouse you did many good things!
ruthi ...I startled
gmh and
hobnobs by talking about moustache-bleach
So, things done:
I have joined bookmooch, and listed books (8 of them, so far). I have replied to requests for books, and mailed out 4 books - one of them to the US, even.
I looked at the comic-book singles that the beloved had cleared off the shelf and decided with him to get rid of a lot of them. Many of them, because we got the collected trades, which are a more durable format. (But we're keeping My Faith In Frankie, obvs.)
I posted about the comics in my livejournal , offered them out, and made arrangements for the comics to go away.
I took out the six issues that
abigailb had asked for and put them in my bag, to remember to bring them to her.
I got to the pub on Tuesday, met people, played games. Lost at poker, learned something I had not known before.
I have bought some stationery that I had been meaning to buy for a while, to organise stuff.
I remembered the brand of crisps that the beloved mentioned missing, and when I saw them on a shelf in a shop I was in, bought some for him.
I went to the pub on Tuesday and out to the post-office on Wednesday.
I went to a pub I had never been to before - The Wenlock Arms - and I met friends, and took the comic-book-singles that the beloved had cleared off the bookshelf, so they are
1. out of the house and 2. on the way to
kincaid I went out today, to the batflat, and there were people and babylon5 and pizza
and I am realising I have been out most evenings this week, and meeting friends, and also I have cooked stew and not killed anyone. It has not been a bad week.