The first anthology has been put together, but we're thinking of doing sequels. I believe there will be a place on the forum for posting new work as well as a way to submit work for the subsequent anthologies.
And of course, there will be the club nights for readings, art shows and performance...
Oh, thanks - but honestly, Lucie talked me into it and she's very ... contagious. :) There will be an online NING community where members can build profiles, make friends, get support, etc., as well as a place where they can post up their own work. There will even been outreach teams to visit with people who are in institutions. I think the club nights will be one of the most distiguishing features. They'll be starting in London and I'm hoping that we'll get volunteers to hold them in other cities. They had their first "dry run" club night for contributors only and it went really well.
Even if we don't get picked up by the publisher, I think we'll continue to do subsequent anthologies online and I'm pretty convinced that we can get them into print as POD work. And the plan is that Little Episodes will be an ongoing community-building project.
This sounds like a wonderful idea. I hadn't heard about Little Episodes before, so thanks for posting about it.
But how does it work? Do people/artists send you stuff that you edit and then publish online or in book form?
And of course, there will be the club nights for readings, art shows and performance...
Even if we don't get picked up by the publisher, I think we'll continue to do subsequent anthologies online and I'm pretty convinced that we can get them into print as POD work. And the plan is that Little Episodes will be an ongoing community-building project.
sorry to hijack your entry, ruther!
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