По заказу // Requested by:
miss_juls Стиль: S2 Flexible Squares
Тип аккаунта: любой
Разрешение экрана: 1024+ (лучше всего 1280)
Браузеры: Mozilla, IE 7, Opera, Chrome
Комментарии в стиле журнала: да
Сайдбар: полный, слева
Заголовок и подзаголовок: отключены
Style: S2 Flexible Squares
Account type: all types
Screen Resolution: 1024+ (best viewed in 1280
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Comments 195
As for the request thing... I have never requested anything anywhere and don't really know where to start, but... *blushes* I've always wanted an icon with my name on it (which is Serena), if it's possible... But if not, a nice request would be to do something that involves either photography or something related to Andy Warhol/art deco? Those are subjects I really love, and I think you're a great icon maker whatever image you pick...
(But if I'm breaking the rules in any way, then forget about this! :) )
Well done again!
As for me, I've never made named icons, and you have such a beautiful name that I'm just looking forfard to try making these:)
And while there are no rules, I wonder what do you mean saying photography? The process of making photos or just great shots?
So, maybe I'll make 2 named icons / 2 photo-related ones for you?
поздравляю Вас с круглыми датами вашего LJ)
пусть муза Вас не покидает ни на минуту
А с какими именно музыкальными инструментами?
а можно и мне что-нибудь с такими красивыми цветами как маки?)
Пики только с маками или можно с разными весенними цветами?
My hubby has posted a few photographs here on LJ, here at peting73. He is OK with others making icons of his photos as long as credit is given. :-) Also, cats are awesome, so cat-icons are always welcome. :-) Or anything that has with fantasy/magic to do. :-)
I'll just shut up now... Continue your awesome work! You rock!
I know that cat-icons are very much desirable (not only by you:). So I'll try to make some too. What about 2 photos / 2 cats?
Можно мне что-то с письменными принадлежностями в светлых тонах???
(Перо, чернильница, записная книга, секретер и т.п)... Буду рада всему, сделанному Вами. ))
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