My First Humous

Jun 09, 2008 20:44

Been meaning to try and make humous for ages. flufybumblebee has tried a few times, but we haven't been satisfied with the results. It was easier than I thought it would be. Only the chick peas and the garlic are organic, due to a lack of available organic ingredients when shopping, and not knowing at the time where to get such items. The spoon (spn) measurements used are just the bog standard spoons used in every day eating etc. Are they called dessert spoons? Anyways...

1 tin chick peas
5 spns olive oil
3 spns water
2 large garlic cloves
3 spns tahini
juice of half a lime
pinch sea salt
lotsa luvvly ground black pepper

Rinsed chick peas. Put 3 spns oil and all other ingredients except for water in blended and whizzed it all up. It was too thick so I added more oil, more whizzing. Still too thick, so added water. Now good consistency. Flavour not bad, seems it would improve upon being refrigerated. So while I wait for it to chill to see if it really tastes ok or not, I'm trying it in a sandwich; organic wholemeal bread, organic peanut butter, home-made vegan (partly organic) coleslaw, home-made humous, home-made (partly organic) salsa sandwich in case you are interested. Yum : )

I also did some yoga today, following the new yoga chart by Liz Cook that I bought at the Centre for Alternative Technology the other day. Tough going as I am rather unfit these days. I'm trying to get all healthy and stuff at the moment see. Off to finish me sarny... : )

Humous wasn't as good as a good shop humous, but certainly better than a bad shop one!

vegan, food, experiment, vegetarian, recipe, health

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