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Archive Last time, there were smustle parties and adorable things and makeup sex. Also, the game responded to Agu's (
prettypalisades) delusions of paternity of the most recent addition to the family, Freyr.
...uh oh. Well, as long as it works...
It would be much cuter if Nemo (
dorkasaur) didn't have his head up something better left unmentioned.
(Sigrdrífa is Bekah by
I want a car with a La Cucaracha horn. *has sad*
Agu: I am a paragon of educational excellence! Please ignore my daughter's unfinished homework and inferred laziness.
And lo and behold, Freyr looks even more like Bjorn (
quinctia) than his full brother Vale does.
I don't think the table is your main problem, son-of-perpetually-pregnant-lady. Also, notice the lack of elephant butt? This week's challenge is, once again:
A Case of Laryngitis: the torch holder cannot leave the house for a week and cannot communicate with anyone in the house or outside the house other than through non-verbal means.
Nemo: oh god oh god oh god she's not
pregnant again is she oh god I knew I should have gotten the snip crap crap craaap
No, you two just spent the whole day senilely dancing yourselves into starvation and exhaustion.
It's a boy, named Vidar!
Agu: Hey, kiddo! Did you know I'm the only non-twin in my whole family?
Gunnlöð: You could have informed me when we were in college, you hyper-fertile son of an emotionally abusive Tasmanian Devil.
And it's a girl, named Var!
And another girl named Vör!
Whatshisface: But... but... I thought I was the star of this cap. :,(
Well, now you are. Happy? No? Good.
Death: Good evening, ladies! Gentlemen! Nice to see you again. I've almost finished a wonderful game of “Will It Blend,” and I'll need a volunteer from the audience.
Gunn: Um, 'scuse me? I need to put down this baby. No time for this stupid otherworldly stuff.
Death: You look like an adventurous soul! Would you care to see what Death has cooked up for you?
Sig: Well, not really...
Death: Oh, come now. The only things we have to blend in the Great Beyond are fruits, sugars, herbs, tea and hard liquor. It can't be bad.
Sig: Well, hot damn! Gimme that!
Death: As you wish. Right this way. I'll see the rest of you again very soon!
Nemo: *gulp*
lol@Ymir. Mommy didn't love you as much as your sisters.
Most Sims would be lucky to get a fence around a burial plot; Sig gets a fucking shrine (with minimal fucking, one hopes). Also, Grilled Cheese platinum gravestone woop woop.
Because it turned out that I had locked the door to his blanket room.
Gunn: Ugh. That was a Six Flags of failure. Would not recommend.
Gefjun is a Romance Sim, just like Mom, and a mad finger gunner. Once for every person in every room. It's goddamn awesome.
Fulla is a Fortune Sim who hated herself through childhood and, evidently, still does.
Tonight, Fulla Baldrsson will be attempting a Flailing Bounce coupled with a Mindrape-Bumrape Realization Combo dismount, finishing with a Let's Never Speak of This flair. A fairly typical act, but perhaps she can bring home the gold if she gets it just right.
A very expressive start! Those fully extended arms will earn her a point or two.
The moment of truth - the wider she can get her eyes, the higher her score will be.
Oh, wow! Look at that suffering! I think we have our winner already!
And she nails the finish with a nice extra turn for more emotional scarring! We'll return with her score and an act from the ever-alien-ready heir to the Curious dynasty of master abductees after these messages.
More children? How absurd! Will Gunn finally lose her homebound mind? Will the battle to become heir drive a wedge between the twins? Will Fulla have to live with... unexpected consequences? Find out next time with the Baldrssons!