This has been a week...yes it has.
The thing weighing most on my mind is I formally went no contact with my mom. We've been generally low contact for years, somewhat just the distance and our lives and someone intentional on my part. You see, my mom is a typical Texas the worst way possible. Her husband (3rd husband, but a "friend" since 5th grade) is a musician and a couple years ago they were so very excited to be invited to an event for an infamous ex-president. Shockingly, everything fell apart with that gig! (Reader: I was not shocked) So let's just say, we haven't seen eye to eye on things for a very long time (I don't blame her husband, she was like this for a while before him, but he has certainly made things worse, in my opinion).
The event - the final straw
I posted an image on my FB expressing support for Drag Queens/Trans folks and she commented that drag queens were doing exotic dances for elementary school children. Several friends and I immediately commented her errors, but my ex-sister-in-law also expressed completely stupidly erroneous views that parrot the media that they watch. Reader, I was DONE. I blocked my mom and sister-in-law (and all immediate relatives to them). I sent my mom an email letting her know WHY and then I did the no-good-awful-thing and turned off my payment of her parent plus student loan that she took out 30 years ago for my college. She immediately called me after THAT! Claimed she hadn't gotten my email and was just checking on me. Yea...I don't believe that. The woman hasn't called me in probably a year!
So that's done. She did respond to my email, still clinging to the belief that people are doing exotic dances for elementary school children. I told her she's in a cult and I stopped replying to the messages. I CANNOT change her, but I can remove her from my life, and have. And honestly, I don't know that she is capable of understanding why I've done this. She turns 70 this year, and I should be taking care of her in her old age, but I simply cannot turn a blind eye to the hatred anymore. She is racist, and all the phobics, and nothing I do will ever get through her lifelong beliefs.
So yea...been mentally chewing on that all week.
Kids are doing good. The 16 year old is interested in getting a job, and I helped him with applying for a job (wow that process has changed SO Much since my last job search like 5 years ago!). He's in drivers ed, but hasn't had time behind the wheel yet. So much EEEK!
The 10 year old has been walking himself to the park each day and doing a great job with responsibility and safety. Very proud of his interest and exercise and all that!
The 8 year old turned 9 this week too! He's physically looking older as well. I just wish he could turn the developmental delays up a year too. I'd love for him to figure out eating and talking! So much! But we're doing ok there. He bit into a chocolate coin during food therapy and while there was gagging, he did get some chocolate inside his mouth for a little bit. (baby steps?) He's forgetting the word "out" but doing better with it once you remind him by asking if that's what he wants. He communicates in his way, it's just challenging sometimes.
And lastly, had my annual mammogram and final meeting with the boob surgeon as car accident follow-up. Basically, the seat belt bruise is what it is. The fat necrosis will exist and evolve and any treatment would only make it worse. So! That means we can finally proceed with the personal injury stuff! Yay! My body has been scarred from that accident, but at least we can get some closure from it now, even if my body will never be the same.
So that's what's going on in my little world. Trying to figure out a good balance with social media and hoping I will do more LJ in the future. (so maybe my post will be less novels! LoL)