Feb 24, 2006 15:50
Here's my beef.
I know there are people in Tallahassee who I'm cool with. Marilyn, Hodge, and Becky and Deric to name a few. I'm really glad to have you people in my life.
Sometimes, though, I just want to be around people who I've known for years or have developed a different sort of relationship with. Of course I'm talking about my friends from Miami and my girlfriend, Yoko.
Of course, between me and all of these people there is a distance. For many of my Miami friends and Yoko, that distance is more physical and tangible. They're in Gainesville, and I'm in Tallahassee. Now, Yoko rides the bus really often to come visit me. She keeps me sane. I can tell she cares about me a lot and my parents and many of my friends agree that she's a great girl. Sometimes I wish my friends in Gainesville would make more of an effort to come see us here, though. I've made the trip there quite a few times just because I've had the time or I fit it into my schedule. I understand a lot of them are really busy, but they told me they don't come because we don't invite them. I've been inviting them for the past two or three weeks now, and they're busy. I remember why we stopped inviting them in the first place; we just don't know their schedules. Guys, I'd like for you to clear up a weekend and come down here. We can't do anything from here in Tallahassee. I've tried.
There's a lot more I really want to type about what's going on here in Tallahassee, but I need to get to Kinko's and make some copies for church tonight. I'm still in charge of the youth retreat... why the Lord, in His infinite wisdom, chose me to do this, I'll never know.