I did some more screwing around with my Neocities page. It has a links section now. LIKE IT'S 1999. OMG. That's amazing. I might actually have a go, if I can find some time this weekend. Is it easy? I only know enough HMTL to code an LJ post...
HTML PARTYYY. uh sorry I'm kind of drunk at the moment. it was my birthday the other day so I think I'm excused.,
Anyway! Yes, do play about with it, it's great fun and you can have your own thing that looks just like you want, which is the coolest thing about having a site. I'd recommend something like this? It has CSS stuff too for design etc. If you can code a post you should pick up on the rest pretty easy!
HTML PARTYYY. uh sorry I'm kind of drunk at the moment. it was my birthday the other day so I think I'm excused., Absolutely! Hope it was a great one! :)
I'd recommend something like this? *bookmarks*
If you can code a post you should pick up on the rest pretty easy! I love your faith in me...
OMG. That's amazing. I might actually have a go, if I can find some time this weekend. Is it easy? I only know enough HMTL to code an LJ post...
Anyway! Yes, do play about with it, it's great fun and you can have your own thing that looks just like you want, which is the coolest thing about having a site. I'd recommend something like this? It has CSS stuff too for design etc. If you can code a post you should pick up on the rest pretty easy!
Absolutely! Hope it was a great one! :)
I'd recommend something like this?
If you can code a post you should pick up on the rest pretty easy!
I love your faith in me...
Put it this way, you know basic tags and how they're structured, so the rest is just picking up on what the other tags are.
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